I will be doing 3 rows of brites followed by one row of black.
I just got the yarn in today! YAY! So I’m going to set this to finished today.
8:40 p.m.
I. AM. FINISHED! I just have to weave in the last tail and wash it!
I’ve just ordered the yarn I’m needing! My sis couldn’t find it up in Lafayette, so I ordered it through joann.com.
Turns out that Hobby Lobby in Richmond doesn’t have the colorway either. I’m going to talk my sister to see if the Lafayette store has any. If not, I can order it from www.joann.com for a reasonable price.
Let’s see, I went to Hobby Lobby in Muncie to find the rose violet color and they had every other color but that one. So attempt numero 2 tomorrow at Richmond’s Hobby Lobby.
Yeah, I’ve put this to finished, but as soon as the weekend comes around (or sometime this week) I’ll get this done!
I just have about 1 1/2 rounds to go on this and I am done! But I have to go out and buy another skein of the rose violet because I have ran out. So, I’m looking at getting this done next weekend.
I am almost done with this blanket! I just have to finish up the last black round and then start using the rose violet color for the last stripe. I think I’m going to not use the black as the border, but the rose violet. I don’t know if I’ll put any kind of 2nd border around it yet.
I’ve been working on it little by little. I have the next section of color done (green). I don’t have time to work on it hardly anymore because I started a new job (at the same grocery store as my mom) and it’s taking a lot of my pre-bed time to check on my internet browsing. It’s too big to be carrying it with me to BSU. Hopefully, I’ll remember to take it with me when I go and see the family from Colorado (that are visiting) at the end of the month.
Yesterday I purchased 2 skeins of Plymouth Jelli Beenz in the black and multi-colors to be used as trimming. I am also almost done with the last yellow stripe and had to start a new skein within the 3rd round of the yellow. I can now use it as a lapghan as I work on it.
The pictures I’ve just uploaded are a lot closer in color. I’m also starting the color sequence over again. The colors are really coming together a lot better than I thought.