Frogged this sweater and will reknit into a pattern I like better.
Finally pictures of me wearing the sweater. It’s a cozy warm sweater, but I wish I’d paid better attention to sizing and knit one size smaller. I’ll still enjoy wearing it.
06.10.13~Only the buttons to sew on, but it’s nearly 100 today and a big wool sweater just doesn’t appeal.
6.04.13~All the knitting is finished and I just need to block the front bands and sew on the buttons. That’s right, I did a button band and not a zipper. It suits me a little better. SO happy to be finished. FO photos soon!
5.30.13~Button bands almost finished then I realized (such an airhead) that the buttonholes should have been made on the right side, the side I finished first. Must pull out that side and start again…just as soon as I finish the second (left) side. Sometimes I wonder about my ability to reason. My first thought upon starting this was it would be finished by June, just as the days start getting hotter and summer arrives. Of course!!
5.22.13~ Finishing! I’ve been a slow knitter. Everything has knit up easily and I’m very happy with the yarn, too. Time to find buttons as I prefer something other than a zipper.
2.13.13~Started a sleeve! How creative! Leave it to Cookie to figure out this very neat elbow design. Trust the pattern and just knit. I’m going to love how it turns out.
2.10.13~Finished the back which went very quickly. yay!