This beautiful shawl had caught my attention the moment I saw it. I love Alina’s patterns!
The famous Monet’s Gardens of Giverny are not just about waterlilies, although the Waterlilies are probably most recognizable worldwide. Searching the internet I came across thousands of photos of these magnificent gardens as well as photos of the actual paintings. I have copied a few and posted them here just so they can be compared to this beautiful knitted pattern by Alina.
I have used Malabrigo Sock Yarn (my favorite!) in 3 colors. The Solis for the main color (the almost solid bluish green) with Arco Iris and Archangel for the lace motifs. Alina suggests just 2 colors, but I wanted t introduce a bit more color.
When I started this project I did not realize that there was already an updated version available and I used the original version. The edges were too tight. After some searching I came across an ingenious method described by BarbS0201, which make the edge much more elastic! Thank you Barb!
- on the first pass work K1, YO, k to last 3 sts, kfb, K1, YO, K1
- on all following rows, both wrong and right side work K1, drop YO, make another YO, Kfb, work to last 4 sts, Kfb, drop UO, make another YO, k1.**
I also made an additional yarn over at the beginning of each row and simply dropped it without working it on the way back.
I casted on and knitted 2 complete sections of lace motifs using size 6 needles. I didn’t really like the result - the motifs were going to be too large once blocked. I then switched to size 5 needles. I did not bother to rip and restart. I simply just continued with smaller needles.
I used size 6 for the bind off skipping the picots. I did try them, but did not really like them.
The shawl is soaking now. I should have the photos later on today.
Just posted some photos of the finished shawl. I will shoot more pictures once the skies clear. as of now it is cloudy and gloomy and the colors just don’t come out right.