Lovely Orkney
November 18, 2016
December 8, 2016

Lovely Orkney

Project info
Orkney by Marie Wallin
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
2,674 yards = 14 skeins
Rowan Felted Tweed
2 skeins = 382.0 yards (349.3 meters), 100 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016
Rowan Felted Tweed
1 skein = 191.0 yards (174.7 meters), 50 grams
Ribbels in Leiden, Zuid-Holland
November 17, 2016

18 november 2016

I’ve bought the wool… love it! I live in a pink-free zone so no Bilberry and Peony in this cardigan. Treacle and Rage will take it’s place. Phantom and Gilt isn’t for sale anymore (so they told me), changed it in Barn Red and Avocado… 196 Barn Red isn’t on the list, so that is the “red”.

I’ve read all the projects everybody did. Thank you all so much, made a lot of notes, checked all the photo’s. Made some photo-copy prints (enlarged them) of the pattern. Made a you-tube list, buttonholes will be the first to watch. I loved the little card somebody made with the wool and its key. Did that.

I will try to also make photo’s and notes.

First time: cardigan, buttonholes, two sleeves at once (steek-wise) knitting it al on circular needles, back and front (have no idea yet about what to do when I arrive at the arms/neck) also with steek.

First things first: needles and gauge

notes 22-november
Fair Isle: needle size 3,5 mm; looks good. Making it one size up (M) I would like it to be a bit loose. Also making it about 5cm longer.

Cast on 122+63+63+7(steek) 255 sts.
Buttonholes: k4, yo, k2tog (wanted to YO with 2 yarns, read that somewhere, but remembered it too late)
Reached the 37 cm for the body (in stead of 32cm)
Read something about decreasing 2x6 at each armpit to begin with and casting (next round) 7 steek-stitches. Did that. So continue knitting, decreasing and making button holes and following the pattern! Love it!


I steeked the front, the arms, the neckline, the sleeves…everything. I watched video’s how to prepare before cutting the steeks. Did that. But… I don’t know… I want to get my sewing machine… I see little bits of yarn standing up. And picking up stiches (neckline) was not possible. Wandering if this is normal…. did I do something wrong, wrong yarn? I used left over sock yarn.

Now the frontside needs buttonholes I can find. That’s another thing, how do one do that? :)


To be on the save side I did dig up my sewing machine.
I don’t think I will ever steek a neckline, that was scary.

Blokked it, and tried to make some pictures (have to ask some one to do that… :))

The size is spot on now! (One size bigger + added some stitches at the wrists/under arm + added 5 cm lenght-wise).

From the leftovers I will knitt a lovely Rowan vest I think… :)

To bad I didn’t have enough yarn (carbon 159) left for the collar, changed that (ginger 154).

viewed 1368 times | helped 15 people
November 18, 2016
December 8, 2016
About this pattern
456 projects, in 955 queues
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About this yarn
by Rowan
50% Merino, 25% Alpaca, 25% Rayon
191 yards / 50 grams

47788 projects

stashed 50375 times

marjetroling's star rating
  • Project created: November 16, 2016
  • Finished: December 7, 2016
  • Updated: December 10, 2016
  • Progress updates: 2 updates