3/20 finished! i took a break to knit a sweater for my daughter and came back to finish this last week.
some notes: after assembling the sweater, the armpit/ bust to shoulder was WAY to roomy, giving me almost dolman-like arms on an otherwise fitted sweater. i took out the seaming, took it in about 2” and removed the selvage steek-style.
i wish i had thought to modify the shoulders to more of a raglan type. i have very sharp shoulders and bulky shoulder seams make me look goofy. i softened the shoulder seam by using a three needle bind off with 20 live stitched from the top of the sleeve, and 20 pick up & knit stitches from the selvage of the shoulder crown. this made it less bulky.
one more mod: i used the same method as the neckband for by button band, because i wanted a more delicate look to go with much smaller buttons than the pattern calls for.
i love this sweater so much! i would have rated the difficulty as ‘easy’ except for all of the extra work i had to re-do to customize it to my body type.
3/11 i blocked the individual pieces and the yoke with a steam iron instead of wet blocking the finished garment.
2/19 i decided to work all of the ribbing in one go, because i need to get into a rhythm to do ribbing quickly. worked the fronts and cuffs 2 @ a time on a circular. it’s coming along!
2/12 casting on for the back panel. thankful for the prospect of a wait in the dentist’s office waiting room tomorrow!
2/10 dyed this cheerful yellow thrift-shop merino a more appropriate (for me!) drab bronze. used jacquard procion mx acid dye with a stovetop immersion method. very happy with the results.