Salmon coming Home
October 1, 2023
November 9, 2023

Salmon coming Home

Project info
Salmon Coming Home by Janine Bajus
Toooooo small that’s what!
Needles & yarn

The pattern has been very well thought out. But you certainly don’t get your hand held while making this. Make sure you READ it all then read it again!!

I size myself using the schematic diagram and there isn’t one for this. So I picked my chest size - only to discover part way along that the pattern is written to negative ease! So I’ve knitted it too small! Gauge swatch was perfect, but didn’t take negative ease into account.

Still I’ve learnt a lot. Plus I’m rather pleased with the neck so far as I literally had to draw in my decreases and wasn’t confident I’d done it correctly but it’s looking like I have.

I’ll knit this again. This next one will FIT properly and not be a full size too small. Plus I would ditch the corrugated rib and knit it in plain rib instead as I feel the rib detracts from the beautiful pattern work on this.

Still to complete it. Last week I’d have binned it given half a chance so very pleased I’ve continued with it.

And I’d also try to find a way of reversing one panel (the middle fish one), so that the three panels of fish are not all pointing right.

Finally completed. I messed up the V neck not having done one before and the instructions assumed you had.

Love the pattern. Missed better instructions. But if you are an experienced self pattern maker/designer this won’t be an obstacle for you.

I’ve used my woolly board to stretch it out! It should fit!

viewed 62 times | helped 1 person
October 1, 2023
November 9, 2023
About this pattern
57 projects, in 187 queues
mary-jane-watson's overall rating
mary-jane-watson's clarity rating
mary-jane-watson's difficulty rating
mary-jane-watson's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Challenging
  2. Beautiful
  3. Glad it was just a vest!
  • Project created: October 26, 2023
  • Updated: November 10, 2023
  • Progress updates: 2 updates