So many possible versions of Reyna … so little time.
This time around I’m going to work the eyelet sections like this:
1 eyelet section (2 rows)
10 rows of garter
2 eyelet sections (4 rows)
10 rows of garter
4 eyelet sections (8 rows)
10 rows of garter
maybe finish with some single eyelet sections (2 rows) separated by 2 rows of garter
I’ll keep going until I have about 6g of yarn left, then bind off with the same beaded picot edge:
Cast on 2 sts using knitted cast-on. K2tog tbl, place bead on next stitch on left hand needle, Ktbl. Pass first stitch over beaded stitch as if binding off. Bind off two sts. Slip stitch from right needle back to left needle.
Repeat until there are no sts remaining on left needle.
11/2/17 So in the “16 eyelet rows” section I realized after 15.5 eyelet rows that there was no way I’d have enough yarn to finish the section, do some garter, do some single eyelet sections, then the beaded bindoff (mostly because I only had 5g yarn left at that point, lol). So, I tinked back to 14 rows of eyelets, worked two rows of garter, then started the bindoff using glow in the dark, UV reactive white beads.
11/4/17 Finished up the bindoff tonight; this shawl will be beautiful when blocked.
11/18/17 Finally got this shawl blocked. The beads are black light reactive and they glow in the dark so I took a couple of pictures of the beaded edge of the point with the lights off … they don’t show up well in the photos but they SURE DO GLOW in person!
This shawl is Canada-bounding (like Disney-bounding … look it up) like crazy. It’s perfect for Oriana!
Notes on this yarn:
It’s really elastic and stretchy, so keeping even tension is difficult. The stitch definition is great but there are these weird, grey-ish, fuzzy slubs attached to the yarn here and there. They aren’t exactly PART OF the yarn, just attached to it so I can easily pick them off, but it’s super annoying on such a premium yarn. It’s fairly soft pre-blocking, but I’m hoping it gets much softer after I block it. The color bled like crazy in a eucalan soak; I had to change the water 6 times before it ran clear.
After blocking the yarn was MUCH softer. What a delight!