Cabled gloves, AKA: why do I make my life so difficult
November 20, 2016
February 9, 2017

Cabled gloves, AKA: why do I make my life so difficult

Project info
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 0 - 2.0 mm
297 yards = 1.36 skeins
Regia Angora Merino
31 yards in stash
0.76 skeins = 166.2 yards (152.0 meters), 38 grams
March 2, 2016
Regia Angora Merino
1181 yards in stash
0.6 skeins = 131.2 yards (120.0 meters), 30 grams
March 2, 2016


Pim’s gloves are bust :/ so on to new ones. To match his hat. But I only have 45g of green left and the yarn is discontinued. I will make the cuff in grey (which is very similar in fact) and hopefully I have enough for the hands in green.

Cuff like hat band. Slightly modified, CO: E KPKK (pattern 16 sts) KKPK E (26 sts). Two repeats of the pattern fit around his fist.

I worked… I think 6 plain rows before I started the pattern.

I’m using 2,75 for the cuff. Should use 2,5 but I don’t have any DPNs free of that size and I don’t want to deal with other needles for a thin band.. will try to knit tight I guess.


If I follow the pattern, the space between repeats is closer than I have it on the hat. So apparently I did not write it down, but I must have knitted 4 more plain rows in between…


I finished both cuffs (gotta sew them closed now). I should have counted rows, I knitted and frogged some parts several times while trying to count, but the exact beginning of the cabling is very confusing so in the end I didn’t get it right. But I think I got the total length right which is what matters, the seam can be a little off, right? Pim only tried them on yesterday when I was nearly done and I needed to add a few more rows so the seam wasn’t gonna be centered between repeats anyway.

I seamed the cuffs closed with mattress stitch sort of thing (I really suck at seaming). I found I got a better result (particularly on the purl bits) if I took the loops on the CO edge, but one row below the loops for the BO edge. I don’t remember how I did this in the hat, but I think that one looks a little better.

Then I duplicated stitches to smooth over the seam, then picked up and knitted from the wrong side, on the edging loops. This was 40 sts.


2mm needles for the hand and fingers.

I increased from 40 to 60 on the first round. (k1, kfb). Then another plain round (all this in grey).

I’ve decided to make the gusset and thumb in grey and the rest in green, and hopefully I’ll have enough green yarn.

To do this I have to do intarsia, and so I am knitting the glove flat from the moment I attached the green (split evenly in two balls), on the 3rd rnd/row. I increased one st on each edge for a selvedge stitch (which I’m slipping). I will be able to join it in the round again once I separate for the thumb.

Oh sigh. Flat and one at a time…

I centred a pattern repeat on Pim’s wrist so that it’s visible on the top of the hand, then marked where the thumb gusset centre must be with a marker. On one cuff that is on top of the seam, on the other, close. I started with 4 grey sts for the gusset and am increasing two per RW row, leaving one plain st on each side of the gusset.


I increased the gusset (grey yarn) up to.. 33 sts. So I made a mistake somewhere, probably missed one st and it should be 34. That should be 30 rows. I continue the gusset without increasing. I put a marker on the last increase row.


I then proceeded to lose said marker. The plain rows are 9 or 10. I suppose 9 to transfer sts on a RS row. Note: must have knit looser (surprise) on second glove and I compared gusset depths… for this one only knit 8 plain rows.

I continued in the round with the green for the hand, decreasing the two extra stitches I increased for seaming, casting on 6 stitches (knitted CO) over the thumb hole as well. 14 rnds. I then knitted the pinky.

I don’t like to knit gloves. I abhor the holes around the fingers. There’s just so much flesh around the webbing and just casting on stitches there for every finger (so twice per webbing) really bothers me.

The only neat way to deal with this that I can think of is to CO sts for the two adjoining fingers at the same time (so, once per webbing). That is what I am experimenting with here.

First I put the glove on Pim and I marked where the webbings are on each side of the glove with markers.

I am counting from beginning of round (where the split for knitting flat used to be, directly opposite the thumb gusset - which is incorrect, should have a few stitches less on the palm side since the thumb is not directly opposite).

7 first sts > Pinky
6 next sts > Ring
7 next sts > Middle
21 next sts > Index
7 next sts > Middle
6 next sts > Ring
7 next sts > Pinky

3+3 sts from 1st webbing > Pinky & Ring

4+4 sts from 2nd webbing > Ring & Middle

4+4 sts from 3rd webbing > Middle & Index

Which makes:

17 sts for Pinky
19 sts for Ring
22 sts for Middle
25 sts for Index

For the webbing between pinky and ring finger, I CO 6 sts as is done for toe up socks, so 3 sts per finger. I will do 4+4 for the other two webbings. I knitted one round before I broke the yarn to join this bit, since it looked like it would come apart otherwise. I had the running yarn from the hand to knit the pinky with, so I made these webbing stitches with a piece of independent yarn.

Pinky: 26 rnds +2 decrease rnds, k2tog as much as possible on both, (down to 5 sts). Draw.

Now… on to replicate all of this on the other glove… SIGH!


Ok, today I got to the first webbing on the other glove. I attempted and succeed at cast on without an extra round, not a problem actually. I tied (half hitch I think) the two loose ends together and it didn’t come apart.


Abandoned for a bit there… finished second pinky.

Now on to the the ring finger:
As planned, I CO 8 (4) sts for the second webbing. 19 sts total. This time I didn’t have running yarn, so after CO I kept on working with this yarn. The tail is just dangling there but it is fine, doesn’t unravel.

38 rnds including decreases, like pinky, draw also 5.

Middle finger: 41 rnds, decrease same, draw 6.

Index: this one is a bit fitted. I start the rnd in the middle of the webbing, so two sts on the first needle and two on the last. On rnd 18, k1, ssk, k to last three, k2tog, k. Rnd 23 also. Total rnds: 30. Decrease same, draw 6.


Thumb: trying something weird here. Put the loops on the needles, knitted one rnd up to the gap (green yarn) picked up 6 sts. K to last 3 sts.

Here graft 7 + 7 sts. Unfortunately I have to break the yarn to do this…

On 11th round, decrease: k1, ssk, k to last three, k2tog, k.

Total rnds: 23 (after graft). Decrease same, draw 6.

God, the seams :(


took me a while to weave in ends, sigh ;D
Worn pictures not washed/blocked, will do that before they’re put away for the summer… soon

viewed 12 times
November 20, 2016
February 9, 2017
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Regia
65% Merino, 25% Nylon, 10% Angora
219 yards / 50 grams

2676 projects

stashed 1745 times

medvssa's star rating
  • Project created: November 20, 2016
  • Updated: February 9, 2017
  • Progress updates: 7 updates