FINISHED! Pattern was actually fairly easy - all of my woe was my own fault. (Which is usually the case. lol) Blocking was relatively simple too. This yarn gets soooooooo soft upon washing - it feels fabulous. Will make a very nice gift for someone. :)
Oh woe. Major MAJOR woe. I can’t read knitting charts for diddly. That whole ‘change up’ thing on line 17 on Chart B did me in and I didn’t even know it until 4 rows later and finally figured out my leaves weren’t looking as neat as they should around the edges. sigh Now it’s tink tink tink back, which is murder at this stage because of all_the_freaking_stitches. !@#$!@#$!@# Will be going by the WRITTEN instructions on the redo until I’m 100% certain I’ve ‘got’ it.
Cast on was murder for me. I know I’ve done a provisional cast on at least once before but I just couldn’t figure it out very well this time for some reason.
“Someone” twisted my arm into trying this pattern out. ;) Using some stash DIC that I got from the Stitches East show last fall. I have half a skein left over from a pair of Xmas mittens and one full skein so I’m good to go to make this as big as I want, I would think.