Quick Baby Cardigan
January 21, 2024
February 4, 2024

Quick Baby Cardigan

Project info
Machine Knitting
Nr. 7
Tools and equipment

For this cardigan, my goal was to minimize time spent on finishing work and avoid any “extra” steps. So, I chose a non-curling double-bed knit (K/K) that can be used without welts, cuffs, or hung hems. I opted for buttonholes (just to experiment with knitting them) and a front neckline by casting off and decreasing (considering short-rowing for this part next time). It seems like my plan was successful. I’ll use a three-needle bind-off for the shoulders and attempt to seam the sides with a “figure of 8” seam on my Passap Automatic to achieve really soft, stretchy seams. Perhaps one or two rows of crochet along the neckline? I’ll aim to finish it with minimal effort.


First result with the „figure-of-eight“ seam, see pictures. It is in fact a very stretchy, flat, soft seam ß ideal for baby garments. I need more practise, as I am quite slow.


Finally finished. Not perfect, but I love it as it can be worn and is usable. I’ve learned and practiced buttonholes and the figure-of-8 grafting. Kathleen Kinder is right in singing her high praise of this kind of seaming - nothing is softer and stretchier. I would have liked to leave the neckline just as it came from the machine, but for this, I should have done short-rowing. By only casting off and decreasing the stitches, the neckline had to be covered with a small welt, which I did on my Passap Automatic. All in all, the word “Quick” in the title of this project turned out to be ironic, as the buttonhole and seaming part devoured a lot of apprenticeship time.

viewed 111 times
January 21, 2024
February 4, 2024
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: January 29, 2024
  • Updated: February 4, 2024