Nostalgia (silk lace shawl) Test Knit
April 26, 2021
May 13, 2021

Nostalgia (silk lace shawl) Test Knit

Tester project info
Nostalgia by Ágnes Kutas
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Knit Picks Luminance Lace
3.87 skeins = 1697.1 yards (1551.9 meters), 193 grams

Using Lace yarn held double (100% silk)

April 26th
- cast on
- finished section 1 - Chart A
- finished section 2 - Chart B
- finished section 3 - Chart C

April 27th
- finished section 4 - Chart D
- finished section 5 - Chart B

April 28th
- finished section 6 - Chart E

April 29th * no knitting today

April 30th
- started section 7 - Chart F

May 1st
- finished section 7 Chart F

May 2nd * no knitting today

May 3rd
- finished section 8 Chart D
- joined 3rd & 4th skeins on row 15
- ordered longer cables

May 4th - May 6th * no knitting

May 7th
- had my yarn wound into center pull cakes but somehow they both became very knotted and couldn’t pull new yarn out so had to rewind them into balls. Was able to unknot one without any difficulty but other had to be cut several times to get all knots out and took me all day.

May 8th
- start section 9 - Chart G

May 9th
- finished section 9 Chart G

May 10th
- started section 10 Chart H

May 11th
- longer cables arrived (60”)
- transferred project so now I can get photo without it being scrunched up on 40” cable

May 12th
- finished section 10 Chart H
- started section 11 Chart E

May 13th ( not much yarn left - will weigh after each row to see if i need to eliminate rows before bindoff)
- row 9 - 31.45 gram left
- row 10 - 29.40 gram left
- row 11 - 27.40 gram left
- row 12 - 25.70 gram left
- row 13 - 23.8 gram left
- row 14 - 21.85 gram left
- row 15 - 20.10 gram left
- finished Section 11 Chart E - 17.9 grams left
- finishing rows and bindoff - 6.10 grams left

viewed 100 times | helped 1 person
April 26, 2021
May 13, 2021
About this pattern
106 projects, in 77 queues
milliebob's overall rating
milliebob's clarity rating
milliebob's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Silk
439 yards / 50 grams

1494 projects

stashed 2948 times

milliebob's star rating
  • Project created: March 24, 2021
  • Finished: May 13, 2021
  • Updated: May 26, 2021
  • Progress updates: 6 updates