Very kochi
November 15, 2021
November 29, 2021

Very kochi

Tester project info
Very Kochi Cardigan by Yoko Johnston
Needles & yarn
15 stitches and 22 rows = 4 inches
in 18x26in rib
962 yards = 5.5 skeins
Isager Yarn Aran Tweed
5.5 skeins = 962.4 yards (880.0 meters), 550 grams

Test Thread creadted 14th Dec

Hi. I am now looking for testers for this Aran weight cocoon cardigan. This is a raglan cardigan worked from the top down, with cute pockets. The construction of the pocket in this pattern is one of a kind!

If you are interested in testing please pm me after checking out the details below.

The pattern will be sent out soonish. Deadline: 26th January

こんにちは。極太糸で編むこのコクーンカーディガンの日本語版をテスト編みしてくださる方を募集しています。トップダウンで編むシンプルなラグラン袖のポケット付きのカーディガンです。本体を繋げながらポケット袋を作る工程はユニークです。 以下の詳細をご検討後に、テストにご興味ありましたらラブコールお待ちしております。 パターンはほぼ送れる状態です。 期限は1月26日を考えております。よろしくお願いします。

I am back to kochicardigan now. I have made some changes from the original. I am planning to release this update.

  1. A little more ease around bust and hips. Change the shapes of neck and hem.
  2. no more cable after joining 2 cables for body after pocket and sleeves.
  3. Garter neck band.


東風カーディガン を少し改良中です。改良サンプル2種を比較してこちらにほぼ決定でアップデイトする予定です。しつこいですがまたよろしくお願いしますpleading_face

2. 2つの縄を合わせた後の結合縄をポケット後も袖も無しに。

viewed 748 times | helped 1 person
November 15, 2021
November 29, 2021
About this pattern
39 projects, in 77 queues
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About this yarn
by Isager Yarn
100% Wool
175 yards / 100 grams

898 projects

stashed 462 times

miyayo's star rating
  • Project created: November 15, 2021
  • Finished: December 1, 2021
  • Updated: January 28, 2022