Hubby's IrishFest Cardi
August 23, 2010
November 4, 2010

Hubby's IrishFest Cardi

Project info
#17 Man's Cable Cardigan by Josh Bennett
cast on 270 stitiches
Needles & yarn
Knit Picks Swish Bulky
17 skeins = 2329.0 yards (2129.6 meters), 1700 grams

8/26/10 - I am super excited about how this is taking shape. Think the yarn choice was spot on. Just began second set of cable pattern. The yarn has a lovely bounce and feel to it.

8/29/10 - Am 3 skeins into this. Still knitting up nicely!

8/30/10 - Just tied on skein number four.

8/31/10 - Tied on skein number five.

9/6/10 - Tied on skein number 6. Still cable and ribbing away!

9/10/10 - have put front stitches on holders and began arm row sequence. Starting to go even faster now.

9/17/10 - connected shoulders to back and casted on first sleeve… did 16 rows of k1p1 to reach 3”

9/24/10 - am about 85% done with sleeve #1. Goal is to get sleeve #2 on the needles and patterning before end of weekend!

10/18/10 - life got the better of this one for a while, but I’m back at it. Sleeve #1 is completed and I’m 30% done with Sleeve #2. I think I can, I think I can, I think….

11/2/10 - made real progress over the past week. Sleeves are done and attached. Am almost done with button band. Maybe I’m sleepy, but the buttonhole directions seem to be lacking.

11/4/10 - ‘Tis done. I am so sick of Merlot colored Merino I may never knit or drink again. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but I’m very glad to have it off the needles!

viewed 409 times | helped 1 person
August 23, 2010
November 4, 2010
About this pattern
375 projects, in 759 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Merino
137 yards / 100 grams

6282 projects

stashed 3252 times

mollie1's star rating
  • Project created: August 26, 2010
  • Finished: November 4, 2010
  • Updated: November 11, 2010
  • Progress updates: 9 updates