Drupal Pi Shawl
March 3, 2009
July 17, 2010

Drupal Pi Shawl

Project info
PI Shawl (July) by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Mountain Colors Winter Lace
120 yards in stash
0.9 skeins = 1080.0 yards (987.6 meters), 101 grams
Bouclé Yarn Studio in Fargo, North Dakota

I knit this at both DrupalCons, so I have been calling it my Drupal Pi Shawl.

For some completely insane reason I decided to add a ruffle to the edge--not recommended! Imagine having thousands of stitches on your needle, then saying to yourself, mmm let’s double that, then cast off!. It took me the whole drive from Chicago to near Duluth to cast off this mofo.

But it so pretty. I LOVE the yarn.

Blocked on Mrs. Angleton’s clothesline.

viewed 252 times
March 3, 2009
July 17, 2010
About this pattern
2930 projects, in 1152 queues
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About this yarn
by Mountain Colors
50% Wool, 50% Silk
1200 yards / 100 grams

1060 projects

stashed 1516 times

mrspeterson's star rating
  • Project created: March 4, 2009
  • Updated: July 17, 2010
  • Progress updates: 2 updates