Autumn Waves Test knit
October 14, 2021
November 14, 2021

Autumn Waves Test knit

Tester project info
Autumn Waves Wrap, The Knit Sister by Sun Daughter
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Test knit
Needles & yarn
7.0 mm
18 stitches and 19 rows = 4 inches
in Lace Wave pattern
Less Traveled Yarn S'Mohair
2.85 skeins = 1088.7 yards (995.5 meters), 285 grams
Nina Chicago in Chicago, Illinois
October 6, 2021

This was a great project! Perfect for car or airplane knitting, and fairly easy to knit up because it’s easy to memorize what’s going on with the pattern and see the columns built by the wave motif (thus knowing what to knit next). The hardest thing about the pattern is actually not the pattern but is just remembering to double-check your work periodically so if you miss an increase or decrease somewhere you find it early.

I used the suggested yarn, S’Mohair, by Less Traveled Yarn, and wow it is amazing! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by it, as I wasn’t sure what to expect (sometimes mohair doesn’t work for me re: the itch/allergies). But this is sooo soft and does not feel itchy to me against my skin. As is often the case with thinner yarns, it was a little challenging to knit with in the first couple of rows up until I had enough fabric to hold onto, and a breeze to work with thereafter. I’d absolutely knit with it again. It did grow a bit in the washing/blocking process, so if the reader is considering using it for a sized garment, my advice is to be sure and wash a swatch before beginning.

Project Notes / Tips
I used a M1L increase for all increases left up to the discretion of the knitter as it matches the left lean of the shape of the FO.

Periodically double check your stitch count for both the row and the count “outside” the two markers. It’s not impossible to drop down and fix things IF you caught any mistake before you knit the next “braid row.”

The braid row looks harder than it really is - both the knitting and frogging process are actually pretty easy. Just go slowly (or consider putting in a life line just before you knit it so you can quickly undo it if desired).

The loops are larger just above the braid row (a neat design element!) and this means your needle may slip out if you try to set the project down mid-row or without knitting the subsequent “rest row” (which has normal loops created, less likely to fall off) so be sure you’ve got enough time to get both rows done before you start any braid row.

Assorted information below used in the test knitting process, this data does not necessarily apply to the final published version of the pattern:

Tool Weights:
Stitch markers weigh 1g each for a total of 2g
Needle with which I’m using to knit weighs 14g

(The following weights are yarn only and already have deducted the above tool weights)

Setup rows weigh 4g

Project through end of row 36 weighs 34g
Unblocked width of piece measured at the “braid” is 24”
Unblocked length of piece measured after row 36 is 9.5”

One full pattern repeat weighs 30g

Project through end of row 72 weighs 64g

Project through end of row 108 weighs 94g,
This is the end of the third full pattern repeat
and is pretty close to the end of the one skein of yarn.
Project measures 19” wide by 35” long, unstretched, unblocked.
Project through end of row 113 is exactly the end of one skein of yarn.

Project through end of row 324 weighs 272g.
Project through end of row 324 measures 19” wide by 91” long, unstretched, unblocked.
This is the end of the ninth full pattern repeat and is not the same size as the size in the published pattern, so the reader’s weights will almost certainly be different.
At this point I have 4g of unused yarn left (I never frogged and reused my swatch yarn) and I suspect this will not be enough to complete the wrap up and bind off both, so I will undo one or both of my swatches and that will give me enough yarn to complete the project. (As it turns out I only had to undo my larger swatch.)

Wrap-up and bind off sections together weigh 13g

Finished project weighs 285g
Finished project measures 19” wide by 102.5” long, unstretched, unblocked.
(Note that this size (and yarn consumption) is not the size published in the pattern.)

Total unused yarn remaining, including the yarn used in the swatches, but not including a few remnant yards small enough to individually not knit up a full row, 13g

My version of the finished blocked project measures 24” wide by 108” long. I actually could have stretched this longer instead of wider in the blocking process but this is all the bigger my blocking mats are and it’s generously-enough sized as is. I could have easily shaped this to be consistent with the 12% growth experienced in the swatching process listed below.

Yarn Characteristics:
Total yarn available is 307g
Each skein is supposed to weigh 100g
Each skein has a yardage of 382y

Swatch Information:
Swatch that was too small weighs 10g
Swatch that was the correct larger size weighs 12g
Swatch dimensions both grew by approximately 12% once wet

I got gauge on the swatch but the weight of the actual project is pulling things bit more so I can expect the blocked FO to also be greater than 12% larger.

viewed 59 times
October 14, 2021
November 14, 2021
About this pattern
14 projects, in 17 queues
mstgt91's overall rating
mstgt91's clarity rating
mstgt91's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Less Traveled Yarn
69% Silk, 22% Mohair, 9% Nylon
382 yards / 100 grams

68 projects

stashed 64 times

mstgt91's star rating
  • Project created: October 16, 2021
  • Finished: November 14, 2021
  • Updated: December 9, 2022
  • Progress updates: 3 updates