11-30-2024 Found time today to finish Toe. So thrilled to be done
11-29-2023 FINALLY knitting the Toe with CC1
Finished Colorwork Chart after row 10, knit decrease row, switched to my Additurbo Size 1 (2.25mm) flexible needles and knit set up for Toe with CC1.
11-28-2023 Still struggling to finish this second sock … 1 repeat (20 rows) of the Colorwork Chart to Toe
11-18-2023 Knitting Sole to Toe.
11-17-2023 Finally knit Short Row Heel
One more round of and I can knit Heel !!!! Don’t know why I am struggling to finish this pair of socks I bought yarn to knit another of Charlotte Stone’s designs and must finish this pair first
11-12-2023 Finished 2 repeats of 20 row Colorwork Chart … will start Short Row Heel after one more row of rows 1-10.
11-11-2023 Knitting the chart to the Heel…
11-07-2023 I am having SECOND SOCK SYNDROME Time to finish this pair
08-18-2023 First Sock
Knitting second sock of this pair
Finished knitting Toe of first sock and Kitchener Stitching done.
08-17-2023 Switched to my Size US 1 (2.25mm) Additurbo flexible needles. Knitting Toe with CC1 Bare.
I have small feet, so I ended my Sole before Toe after round 10 and then knit decrease round for Toe with MC Crystalline.
08-10-2023 I will knit the Sole of my sock with purled I love the bumps and will enjoy squishy comfort
Still using my size 1.5 (2.5mm) finished Short Row Heel using MC Crystalline - BAHhhh
After watching many YouTube videos and reviewing many Google searches, I still like following Charlotte’s heel directions.
08-04-2023 Knitting chart to the Heel I think Charlotte’s placement of the knitted and purled stitches to create the sheep is GENIOUS Might be chasing the if I use CC1 Bare for my heel, so will use MC Crystalline. May add a tiny pink duplicate stitch nose on my little
Knitting the chart, I cut CC2 after row 5 and CC1 after row 8. When I knit row 9, I start with a new strand of CC2 and carry it down to row 13, cutting CC2 after row 15. I knit with a new strand of CC1 on row 14 and cut after row 18. Start with a new strand of CC2 on row 19 and carry it to knit rows 3 through 5. (Repeat above.)
08-03-2023 Charlotte Stone - the purled sheep are adorable
Finished CC1 Bare ribbing, switched to my Zing 12” circular, size US 1.5 (2.5mm) to knit set up for chart and first repeat of chart with MC Crystalline. I try carrying my CC yarn(s) every 5th or 6th stitch, except when knitting the purled sheep. There are some long 6 stitch floats … remember, when knitting colorwork the wrong side should look as nice and neat as the right side
Successfully completed Long Tail Cast On 64 stitches with CC1 Bare using my Zing 12” circular, size US 1 (2.25mm).
Received my yarn today - Thank You Katie
MC = Cinderella Crystalline
CC1 = Cinderella Bare
CC2 = Cinderella Nutmeg
07-29-2023 Sprained my ankle and need a new project!!! Always inspired by Charlotte Stone, finally chose which colors of my favorite Cinderella yarn hand dyed by Katie of yarnloveyarn.com to knit this pair of Counting Sheep Socks