My Spiral “Vanilla Socks” designed by Suzanne Sjögren
September 27, 2022
October 16, 2022

My Spiral “Vanilla Socks” designed by Suzanne Sjögren

Project info
Vanilla Socks by Suzanne Sjögren
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
My Twenty-fifth pair of hand knit socks in my Private sock collection ❤️
Always Cast On 64 stitches with Zing US1 (2.25mm) 12” circular
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
32 stitches and 44 rows = 4 inches
Yarn Love Cinderella Sock
1.5 skeins = 283.5 yards (259.2 meters), 171 grams
Yarn Love

10-16-2022 heart all the beautiful hand dyed colors in this “Cosmos” Cinderella yarn yarn Thank you Katie at heavy_heart_exclamation_mark_ornament

Finished stockinette rounds, Toe and Kitchener stitching.

10-15-2022 Finished Gusset decreases (22 rounds) and knitting another 32 rounds of stockinette before beginning Toe.

10-14-2022 Successfully knit Heel Turn and picked up Gusset stitches. Knitting decreases on even rounds.

10-13-2022 Knit another 33 stockinette rounds for a total of 46. Finished “Heel Flap with Eye of Partridge Stitch.”

10-12-2022 Finally dedicated time today to finish my first sock of this pair. Completed Long Tail Cast On of second sock, knit 13 rounds of K1tbl, P1 ribbing and 13 rounds of 46 stockinette to Heel.

09-30-2022 Knit 32 rounds up to Toe. Only have Toe decreases and then Kitchener Stitches.

09-29-2022 Look at those beautiful colors of the Heel Flap with Eye of Partridge Stitch rainbow Finished Gusset decreases and will begin Toe after 32 rounds.

NOTE: When picking up my 17th Gusset stitch, I always M1R placed before my Instep to close that gap and M1L after my Instep to close that gap wink

Completed my favorite “Heel Flap with Eye of Partridge Stitch,” Heel Turn and picked up Gusset stitches. (This pattern also offers another heel choice, “Heel with Slip Stitch.”)

09-28-2022 I knit 46 rounds of stockinette before starting my heel.

Finished ribbing and now stockinette knitting rounds, enjoying the spiral cyclone pooling of this glorious yarn.

09-27-2022 Only change I am making to this pattern is the ribbing; I prefer 13 rounds of the stretchy K1tbl, P1. Successfully Long Tail Cast On and knit 10 rounds of K1tbl, P1 ribbing this morning.

Found this wonderful pattern to assist me with what I already have memorized from knitting so many of Charlotte Stone’s designs. This pattern has my favorite “Heel Flap with Eye of Partridge Stitch.”

After knitting dozens of colorwork socks, decided to finally knit a simple pair of basic socks to see the glorious colors of this beautiful yarn dyed by Kate at

viewed 8 times
September 27, 2022
October 16, 2022
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Yarn Love
80% Bluefaced Leicester, 20% Nylon
420 yards / 114 grams

433 projects

stashed 690 times

muffymammamail's star rating
  • Project created: September 28, 2022
  • Finished: October 16, 2022
  • Updated: October 17, 2022
  • Progress updates: 10 updates