On the chart, repeat between red lines for width and between green lines for length, ending with dc’s across. Edging of choice.
Bottom red rainbows is ch4;top red is ch 2: black rainbows are ch6; in honeycomb grid. I only put the rainbows in one of the places it should go because it was a pain.
For cloth 26 X 42 -- 5 repeats across + 6th on side panels.
Ch 262
7/4/2013 - Finished 10 rows - estimating 208 more rows to go. Then 1 inch edging.
7/5- Did 11 more rows, only had to frog a couple for mistakes. Don’t have to use the chart anymore, since I can just read the pattern from already finished work. Pattern is 14 rows long.
7/14 11 inches done.
7/16 15 inches done. Osteo making it painful.