Replacement information: Since not all the shades given in the book are available any more, I had to replace some of them. These are the shades I used:
- 002 Oatmeal (as in the original)
- 004 Moorit (as in the original)
- 081 Shetland black (original: 005 Natural Black)
- FC45 Camel (original: FC43 Honey Beige; my choice is not the best possible, because Camel is not really heathered)
- 72 Light Red Heather (original: FC 10 Heather); there I had a second alternative in 1283 Pink Mist, but the recipient wanted the darker alternative.
- FC46 Ghillie Green (as in the original)
Update December 31: Done at last. Might have to do the buttons again, they might not be okay, otherwise the thing is done, done, done.
Update December 7: Did the shoulder construction according to this model. Phew, this was a bit frightning - and will be, until the receiver will have tried it on and it fits. But the end is in sight. Between me and finishing the thing stands darning in loads of ends at the sleeves (I did some as I went along, but still there remain a lot). Also the front and neck edging will have to be done and buttons sown on. And that will be it. Three or four evenings and I’m free of the burden. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really fun to work at it, but it puts me under pressure not to know whether it fits.
Update October 31: Both sleeves done and body and sleeves united. I screwed it up a bit, had again a few deviations in my thinking. But now it is all fine. Have to wait for the next measurements, then go on calculating and knitting the set-in-sleeve. I’m thrilled that the sleeves are done. I have to admit I don’t like knitting those very much. But the thing fits and is looking nice and I’m absolutely convinced it will be just fine (I’m telling myself that all day …). Changed the smiley to a very cautious smile …
Update October 28: My progress has been quite fine, the body is knitted up to the sleeves, the first sleeve is done, second cast on and corrugated rib finished. After having finished the second sleeve there will again be some need for math in order to get the upper body and sleeves right.
Since the receiver no longer lives here, there are only a few last chances for her to try it on, so I have to be accurate with the measurements or else there will be a rude awakening. If there is any such thing, I desparately hope it will be before I cut the front steek. Anything else is repairable.
Update July 22: Really got into it yesterday again. Did a lot of math in order not to make more mistakes, still I misscounted the increase row and had to again tink (=knit backwards) a row in order to avoid it now being too tight. This project seems somewhat daunting, still I’m convinced it’s going to be lovely in the end.
I will by the way not knit the pattern as given but make set-in-sleeves knitted along with the upper body part. This post shows, what I’m going to do. I think it’s a brilliant solution!
Update May 9: Didn’t start on May 3, started on May 8 (yesterday), knitted a good deal, until I found out, my stitch gauge wasn’t correct and the colleague would have been able to build a three-room-flat within this cardigan. Had to frog my weekend’s work. That’s why the smiley shows temporarily my anger at myself.
Stitch gauge was wrong, row gauge was correct.
Swatch was 7.5 inches wide and 3 inches high. If somebody understands this, please do explain :/
May 2: Got the yarn today, will start tonight, really looking forward to it!!