The concept for this sweater is not really intuitive, but it’s been something I’ve wanted for myself for a long time.
My first iteration began with my sleeves cuff up, with a totally different approach to the body, and I was somehow going to cobble it all together at the end. Well, my body yarn and my sleeve yarn weren’t going so well, so I let it hibernate. I will revive it another day.
I decided to give it another go with better yarn. I’d make it my Rhinebeck mission to pick yarns I would really love from the Green Mountain Spinnery booth. Which was the right choice.
So in version II I knit top-down, and worked each quadrant of the yoke separately. I worked the color-work portion flat, carrying my yarn floats in the manner of Coast Salish, every second stitch.
Then I pieced the four (no, five) segments together using mattress stitch and carried on the body back and forth in plain stockinette st.
For the left sleeve I worked from the cuff down. That was a pain to do because I had all the weight of the body to carry with me. So for the right sleeve I worked cuff-up and then grafted when I reached the upper arm. Way easier!
Then, on went the neck band and the button bands.
Finished! Just have to sew the buttons on.