Super quick and easy knit. Would be a great last-minute gift!
CO 90.
In future, for this weight (worsted held doubled) I’d suggest to CO more stitches. Probably another 15-18sts for a bit more drape when doubled. But as-is, it does wrap easily around neck when twisted doubled.
Okay so, my thoughts…
I did the German Twisted Cast On and preferred the Very Pink Knits video tutorial over a few others I looked at BECAUSE she suggests you bend your thumb down to drop open the twist then come through…very easy.
HOWEVER, this cast-on was not nearly as stretchy as I’d have liked and if I were to do it again is either choose another one or else hold gap space between each castes on stitch to auto elongate the stretch between each stitch.
Because of this, in turn, this cast on edge comes no where close to matching the JSSBO I used. It is very stretchy, as we know. I really should have just done a less stretchy cast on to better mirror the cast on edge. (no, I wasn’t about to start over to get a stretchier cast on edge! Lol)
Pattern mods: I followed the pattern all through except that I only did three rounds of the special pattern stitch. This made for a much narrower cowl but to my liking with this yarn. Additionally, it is quite possible that I didn’t even make the stitch elongated as much as the pattern specified (per wraps around) but I did what looked best with my selected yarn and didn’t notice otherwise.