Continental Divide
June 24, 2016
December 11, 2016

Continental Divide

Project info
Banana Leaf Shawl by Yuki Ueda
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
madelinetosh tosh lace
10 yards in stash
0.94 skeins = 893.0 yards (816.6 meters), 102 grams
Green Planet Yarn
July 10, 2013

Originally I had planned on knitting this using the continental technique, but I’m giving up on that and I’ll just knit this using my standard knitting style. I am dropping the needle size to US 3.0 (3.25mm) since my skein of iris is 50 yards short of a full skein. However, I had about 50 yards remaining at the end of Musa. Hopefully the reduced needle will help me get the length I want.


2016-06-24: Complete garter hem.

2016-10-02: Complete intro section and move on to middle part.

2016-11-09: Complete middle section, repeat 1.

2016-11-14: Complete repeat 2 of middle section.

2016-11-23: Complete repeat 3 of middle section.

2016-11-24: Complete repeat 4.

2016-11-25: Complete repeat 5.

2016-11-26: Complete repeat 6.

2016-11-30: Complete repeat 7.

2016-12-03: Complete repeat 8.

2016-12-05: Complete repeat 9.

2016-12-06: Finish final half repeat.

2016-12-08: Complete knitting. Blocking now.


  • I am slipping the first stitch with yarn in front (instead of in back). This gives a cleaner edge.

Yarn Usage Summary

  • starting weight 104 grams give or take.
  • after intro: 98.1 grams remain.
  • repeat 1: 89.6 grams remain; 8.5 grams used.
  • repeat 2: 81.4 grams remain; 8.2 grams used.
  • repeat 3: 72.3 grams remain; 9.1 grams used.
  • repeat 4: 63.5 grams remain; 8.8 grams used.
  • repeat 5: 54.5 grams remain; 9.0 grams used.
  • repeat 6: 45.9 grams remain; 8.6 grams used.
  • repeat 7: 37.2 grams remain; 8.7 grams used.
  • repeat 8: 28.3 grams remain; 8.9 grams used.
  • repeat 9: 19.9 grams remain; 8.4 grams used.
  • final half repeat: 15.7 grams remain
  • ending section
    -R24: 11.7 grams remain; 4.0 grams used
    -R44: 8.3 grams remain; 3.7 grams used
    -R64: 5.6 grams remain; 2.7 grams used
    -R84: 3.3 grams remain; 2.3 grams used
    -R104: 2.0 grams remain; 1.3 grams used
    -R124: 1.3 grams remain; .7 grams used
    -R131: 1.3 grams remain - not much used here
  • Remaining yarn- 1.3 grams

Next Time

  • if i were to make another one on a US 3.0, I’d add one or 2 more middle repeats to increase its length.

  • It would be interesting to try one in cashmere cobweb on say a US 1.5 or US 2.0 needle.

viewed 251 times | helped 4 people
June 24, 2016
December 11, 2016
About this pattern
from YUknits
1718 projects, in 2064 queues
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About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
950 yards

6879 projects

stashed 9959 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 17, 2015
  • Project created: February 17, 2016
  • Updated: December 11, 2016
  • Progress updates: 15 updates