Zombie Roadkill
August 1, 2016
August 31, 2016

Zombie Roadkill

Project info
Harlequino by Margreet Vonkeman
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
8 3/4" length, 7 1/2" circumference
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 0 - 2.0 mm
36 stitches and 48 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
384 yards
Knit Picks Stroll Fingering Solids, Heathers, Tonals & Twists
229 yards in stash
0.12 skeins = 27.7 yards (25.3 meters), 6 grams
Knit Picks
November 30, 2011
Lorna's Laces Solemate
68 yards in stash
0.84 skeins = 357.0 yards (326.4 meters), 84 grams
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016

Harlequino is the August/September GPY Sock club sock. This sock will be a challenge to fit as the pattern contains only a single size. Of course, the size provided is too big for me.


  • I am ignoring pattern gauge for this pattern. It is a single size pattern, whose size is too big for me. So, I’m using my normal sock gauge, which is tighter than specified by the pattern.

  • I am knitting on 2 circs. I shifted the stitches on the needles so that all stitches needed for the CDDs are on the a single needle.

  • I’m using the stroll for my provisional cast on. I am doing the crocheted chain provisional cast on where you pick up the stitches in the back bump. This yarn is too splitty for this cast on.

  • Pattern calls for a gauge of 30 stitches / 4” & 40 rows / 4”. My typical sock gauge (on US 1.0 needles) is around 32 stitches / 4” and 52 rows / 4”. Odd? Well I have always had a particularly tight row gauge.

  • the first diamond on sock 1, didn’t end as the pattern said -- I had too many stitches (8) so i did another repeat of a 2 decrease round and ended up with 4 stitches.

  • The second diamond on sock 1 didn’t end as the pattern said, but different from diamond 1. I was closer this time.

  • I didn’t have the correct count when picking up stitches for the heel. I just added the necessary stitches. At the end of this round, I threaded a lifeline.

  • all my chains were backwards to the direction i needed to pick up stitches for the heel. So, for example, I should have had the loop end of the chain at the “E” end of the E->B side. The direction of pickup is E->B, B->L, I-D, D->H. I’ll try getting this right on the second sock. (Note: The pickup direction around the first diamond worked.)

  • My First Sock Heel: (K * , CDD, K * , CDD) 18 times. I have 30 stitches remaining for Kitchener. Stop at last decrease and reset start of round. Shift stitches and Kitchener closed.

  • For the foot extension section, sock 1, I did a M1L on the right side and a M1R on the left side. The M1s make for a really tight edge since there is a M1 on every round. This works to my benefit since I need a smaller size.

  • My second sock heel: Knit the first 15 rounds, decreasing at the top and bottom points. Now move to decrease on the sides: DK DK DK DK DK DDDDD, stopping after last decrease. rearrange stitches and kitchener closed. I’ll rip out sock 1’s heel and use this heel for the first sock.

  • My second sock foot: Knit 5 foot rounds.

  • Sock toe: follow pattern through round 16. Knit 5 more 2 decrease rounds. Kitchener closed.

  • Ribbed triangles are knit using US 1.0 needles. For the cuff, I switched to US 0 needles.

  • Since each diamond was knit from the outside-in, it was easy to rip a triangle back and reknit it to fix a problem, as I did with one of the cuff triangles. I knit the leg point to be a shallow point instead of a steep point, so I ripped it back to about 2 rounds and reknit the triangle; problem solved.

  • Lifelines are your friend with this sock.

  • cuffs: 16 rounds.


2016-08-14: Complete second diamond, sock 1.

2016-08-19: Complete third diamond, sock 1. At this point, I have the 2 triangles which wrap around the leg. I checked and the sock seems to fit.

2016-08-20: Complete fourth diamond, sock 1; I ended with a nice stitch count on this one.

2016-08-21: Complete fifth diamond, sock 1.

2016-08-22: Complete heel diamond, sock 1. Complete first diamond, sock 2.

2016-08-22: Complete foot extension section, sock 1.

2016-08-23: Complete toe, sock 1; I still need to Kitchener. The foot fits, but it is tight. Who would have thought. Move back to sock 2 and complete the second diamond.

2016-08-26: Complete third and fourth diamonds, sock 2.

2016-08-27: Complete fifth diamond, sock 2. Start heel. I just realized that I did the first heel wrong. I decreased at the markers, instead of the points. This changes the shape of the heel. So, I’m going to do the second sock correctly and see how it works. <p>
Complete first 15 rounds of heel, correctly this time. So far its fitting a lot better. Complete narrow direction decreases and Kitchener closed. This one actually fits!! I’m going to have to take out the other heel. I’m going to move on to sock 2’s foot.

2016-08-28: Complete foot, sock 2. This time it took a lot fewer rounds than sock 1. Looks like I’ll be ripping out the foot of sock 1 as well.
<p>Rip out heel of first sock and knit heel per sock 1.
<p>Rip out toe and begin knitting toe.

2016-08-29: Complete toe, second sock. Begin threading needles onto cuffs. I discovered that one of the cuff triangles on the second sock was knit incorrectly and is too short, so I’m ripped it out as far as I dare; re-knit diamond.
Knit leg triangles. Switch needles to US 0 (2.0 mm) for cuff.

2016-08-30: Complete cuff, second sock. Complete leg triangles, first sock and then complete cuff. Socks are blocking now, although I still need to weave in ends.
Socks fit amazingly well.

Watch Out For

  • When knitting the foot extension rows, you will find that the circumference of the sock will tighten substantially. This is because of the M1’s every row right on top of each other and the CDDs every row. I would suggest trying alternating a decrease round with a straight knit round.

  • Read the pattern carefully. There were a couple of things that misled me, even though the pattern was correct.

  • When you do the decreases for the heel and the foot, a line of CDDs will form on the sole. This might be uncomfortable for some. I can feel it, so I’ll have to wear the socks with cushy shoes. This line could be eliminated by appropriately replacing the CDD with a SSK, K, K2tog or SSK, K2tog.

Next Time

  • Switch to US 0 needles on the ribbed triangle. The scale of the ribbing is a bit coarse compared to the scale of the stockinette.

  • try changing the leg triangles to half diamonds.

  • Change the sole decreases from a CDD to SSK, K, K2tog -- same number of stitches decreased, but no ridge.


From the bottom:

1-5: Sock 1 diamonds.

6-10: shows the sock with the first heel.

11-on: the remaining pictures show the socks with the correct heel and toe.

viewed 232 times | helped 1 person
August 1, 2016
August 31, 2016
About this pattern
141 projects, in 267 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
75% Merino, 25% Nylon
231 yards / 50 grams

82127 projects

stashed 60336 times

noliegirl's star rating
About this yarn
by Lorna's Laces
55% Merino, 30% Rayon, 15% Nylon
425 yards / 100 grams

8724 projects

stashed 10019 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Originally queued: September 16, 2015
  • Project created: July 29, 2016
  • Finished: August 31, 2016
  • Updated: October 8, 2016
  • Progress updates: 18 updates