October 27, 2016
November 20, 2016


Project info
Needles & yarn
Knit Picks Palette
1377 yards in stash
Knit Picks
November 30, 2011

I decided to needle felt some lips that I can turn into brooches. I started with some red heavy wool felt. I created the outline and then filled in the blanks. I am using reds, pinks, fuschias, oranges to create some color and a little dimension. After a few in the warm color palette, I plan on moving to blues and other colors.


2016-10-27: First pair of lips felted. I ordered some pin backs, so I won’t be able to complete anything until they arrive.
Second pair of lips felted. I added more yellow to this one.
Third pair of lips felted. The outline wasn’t deep enough, so i kept these lips closed. I think I like the open lips better. I also need to work in some different colors.
Fourth pair of lips felted. Tried to start with purple but I ended up covering a lot of it up.

2016-10-28: 5th pair of lips felted. I succeeded in getting some blues into this one.

2016-10-30: Sew pin backs onto first 5 lips. Complete 6th pair of lips. Didn’t like the method I used for this one. The outline of the lips was not as crisp.

2016-10-31: Complete 7th pair. I went back to my original method of outlining with the Palette first.
Complete 8th pair. This pair uses too many colors. I tried to stay in the orange to brown range.
Complete 9th pair. I went back to pink and used only shades of pink.
Complete 10th pair. Used browny oranges with a touch of pink.
Sew on pin backs to remaining 5. I’m calling this one complete for now.

2016-11-20: Decided to do some more lips; this time closed.

Outline First, Fill in Second

  • I created a basic template that i use to create the outline. I use Palette to outline my lips following the template outline.

  • my template has 2 holes at the corner of the teeth. I use a sharpie to mark this on my felt. I then come in with the Palette and create the division between the lips using my marks.

  • Now I start filling in the lips until I like the color balance.

  • Now fill in the white for the teeth.

  • Cut out and clean up any fiber that overlaps the black outline. Use the needle to felt both the back and the front.

Fill in First, Outline Second

  • Place my template on the felt and draw an outline around it with a sharpie. Mark the 2 mouth corner points and draw the lip division and the mouth.

  • Fill in the lips

  • fill in the mouth.

  • Using Palette, complete the lip outline.


  • 36 gauge triangular single
  • 6x36 gauge triangular.
viewed 76 times
October 27, 2016
November 20, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
231 yards / 50 grams

98223 projects

stashed 145448 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Project created: October 27, 2016
  • Finished: October 31, 2016
  • Updated: November 21, 2016
  • Progress updates: 12 updates