Silk Caravan
August 31, 2016
November 9, 2016

Silk Caravan

Project info
On the Spice Market by Melanie Berg
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
965 yards = 4.29 skeins
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
119 yards in stash
0.47 skeins = 105.8 yards (96.7 meters), 23 grams
04 08 02
July 13, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
117 yards in stash
0.48 skeins = 108.0 yards (98.8 meters), 24 grams
07 07 08
July 15, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
52 yards in stash
1.77 skeins = 398.3 yards (364.2 meters), 88 grams
08 03 63
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
122 yards in stash
0.46 skeins = 103.5 yards (94.6 meters), 23 grams
25 09 16
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
135 yards in stash
0.4 skeins = 90.0 yards (82.3 meters), 20 grams
08(or 05) 08 27
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
131 yards in stash
0.42 skeins = 94.5 yards (86.4 meters), 21 grams
04 08 15
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016
Malabrigo Yarn Mora
160 yards in stash
0.29 skeins = 65.3 yards (59.7 meters), 14 grams
25 09 08
Fillory Yarn in San Jose, California
July 22, 2016

I finished my sock club socks, so as a reward, I get to knit silk. I love knitting with mora so this ought to be fun.


2016-08-31: Cast on and complete color 1.

2016-09-01: Complete first part, color 2 & 3.

2016-09-14: I’m on the 5th color and I just discovered that colors 2-6 should have only had 9 repeats instead of 15. At the end of the fifth color +MC, I have 109 stitches. Even if I reduce out 1/3 of the stitches in the 6th color, I’ll have way too man stitches, so I’m going to rip back to color 2.

2016-09-15: Complete 3rd color with correct number of repeats.

2016-09-16: Complete 4th color.

2016-09-17: Complete 5th color.

2016-09-20: Complete 6th color. First stripe section complete.

2016-09-23: Complete CC6 pattern section.

2016-09-24: While working on the 3rd pattern row of CC5, I discovered that I was off by 2 stitches. I found that in the 2nd pattern row, I did an extra YO & k3tog into the stitch, resulting in 5 stitches. This isn’t really visible in the fabric -- its just a little bigger, but it did throw me off. So I backed up to this stitch and did a couple of k2tog to return to the correct stitch count. My stitches are now lined up.

2016-09-25: Complete CC5 pattern section.

2016-09-26: Complete CC4 pattern section.

2016-11-01: Complete CC3 pattern section.

2016-11-03: Complete CC2 pattern section.

2016-11-04: Complete CC1 pattern section and start CC1 repeat of section 4.

2016-11-05: Complete CC1, section 4

2016-11-06: Complete CC2, section 4; compete CC3, section 4.

2016-11-08: Complete knitting shawl. Times to weave in ends.


  • Color order: Lettuce, Sunset, Sabiduria, Paris Night, Teal Feather, Cereza with a background of Plomo.

  • Starting section: Oops. I did 15 garter ridges for each section at beginning of shawl instead of 15 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9 - 9. On the 6th color section, I am reducing out 5 stitches as I knit -- i will gain only 10 stitches. After the final background section, I’d have 121 stitches instead of the 93. This is way to big, so ripped back and knit it right.

  • The pattern stitch from the middle section lines up over the center of the slipped background stitch. The pattern stitch consists of 3 CC color stitches. The middle stitch lines up over the slipped stitch

  • Somewhere in the middle of the third section i switched to US 3 needles. Oops. Doesn’t seem to have mad e difference, but it makes my yarn usage a bit inaccurate for future reference.

Pattern Notes

  • Pattern repeat is a multiple of 4+1
viewed 451 times | helped 3 people
August 31, 2016
November 9, 2016
About this pattern
3463 projects, in 4592 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
100% Bombyx
225 yards / 50 grams

1774 projects

stashed 2591 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Originally queued: July 24, 2016
  • Project created: August 31, 2016
  • Finished: November 9, 2016
  • Updated: November 17, 2016
  • Progress updates: 15 updates