Saturn Rising
May 1, 2016
May 24, 2016

Saturn Rising

Project info
Optical Delusion: Conflagration by Kim McBrien Evans
Neck / TorsoScarf
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
Miss Babs Katahdin
44 yards in stash
0.9 skeins = 393.7 yards (360.0 meters), 90 grams
Miss Babs
October 26, 2015

I need to knit something more interesting. Since this was near the top of my queue, I decided to give it a go.


2016-05-01: Cast on and complete first “leaf”.

2016-05-02: Complete charts 1&2. Complete first repeat of chart 3. Looks like I’ll be able to get 14 repeats out of the skein.

2016-05-03: Complete chart 3, repeat 2.

2016-05-04: Complete chart 3, repeat 3.

2016-05-05: Complete chart 3, repeat 4.

2016-05-08: Complete chart 3, repeat 5; no more pictures; I’m just repeating chart 3, so there isn’t anything to gain.

2016-05-09: Complete chart 3, repeat 6.

2016-05-10: Complete chart 3, repeat 7. I finally decided that I had an error in Chart 2. For some reason, I missed about 6 rows in the middle of the first eye. So I put the center stitches on my needle and knitted those rows and then grafted it to the other side. I then clipped the stitches in the middle and unraveled it. It worked pretty good. I have included a picture which shows the before and after.

2016-05-11: Complete chart 3, repeat 8.

2016-05-12: Complete chart 3, repeats 9 & 10.

2016-05-17: Complete chart 3, repeat 12. (not sure when I finished 11, although i did record yarn used.)

2016-05-20: Complete chart 3, repeat 13.

2016-05-21: Complete chart 3, repeats 14 & 15. I have 13 grams left. I probably have enough left to do another repeat, but I’m getting tired. I’m going to move on to chart 4.

2016-05-23: Thread a lifeline, just in case I want to add some length. Complete chart 4. I have plenty to knit one more repeat. Blocking now.


  • Yarn usage:
    after chart 1: 94.2 grams remain.
    after chart 2: 90.3 grams remain.
    Chart 3, repeat 1: 85.1 grams remain; 5.2 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 2: 80.0 grams remain; 5.1 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 3: 75.0 grams remain; 5.0 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 4: 69.8 grams remain, 5.2 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 5: 65.1 grams remain, 4.7 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 6: 59.7 grams remain, 5.4 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 7: 54.3 grams remain, 5.4 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 8: 49.3 grams remain, 5.0 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 9: 44.2 grams remain, 5.1 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 10: 38.7 grams remain, 5.5 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 11: 33.7 grams remain, 5.0 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 12: 28.5 grams remain, 5.2 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 13: 23.2 grams remain, 5.3 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 14: 18.1 grams remain, 5.1 grams used.
    Chart 3, repeat 15: 13.0 grams remain, 5.1 grams used.
    Chart 4: 10.1 grams remain, 2.9 grams used.

  • Initial cast on was with LTCO. In-pattern cast ons will use the cable cast on. I don’t like the way ewrap looks. This means I’m actually casting on on the next row since cable cast on needs to happen at the beginning of the row.

  • Rather than try to figure out why my counts are off by 1, I’ll meet the count by using M1L or K2tog as necessary or just making my turn at a previous W&T. The nature of the pattern will hide any adjustments.

  • Pattern is actually pretty easy, as long as you can count (a challenge we all have at times). So do what you must to help you count. In my case, I made use of the shaded columns in the chart to quickly count the number of stitches. For extra long spans, I noted the counts on the pattern. I use an outline box in Goodreader to track my chart row. These three things make it pretty easy to follow the pattern.

  • I believe chart 3, rows 192 & 193 are wrong. When the short rows start increasing in stitch count, the W&T always occur on top of a W&T formed when the stitch counts are decreasing. In the case of row 192, the W&T doesn’t occur on top of a previous W&T. Row 193 accounts for this discrepancy so the remaining rows fall as expected. Row 192 should have 10 stitches (instead of 11) in order to fall on top of a W&T and row 193 should have 13 stitches (instead of 14). <p> Does this make any real difference? Since the pattern works, not really. Its 1 stitch in a garter pattern that won’t really be visible. But the engineer in me needs to deal with it. From repeat 4 on, I’m going to do it my way. <p> I’m knitting from pattern version 1.3

Next Time

  • Use a larger needle. As I knit, the scarf is only 4” wide.

Inspiration Photo
I found several versions of this photo when searching, so I hope I got the originator correct.

viewed 291 times | helped 5 people
May 1, 2016
May 24, 2016
About this pattern
371 projects, in 771 queues
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About this yarn
by Miss Babs
Light Fingering
100% Bluefaced Leicester
1750 yards / 400 grams

3719 projects

stashed 5191 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Originally queued: October 11, 2015
  • Project created: May 2, 2016
  • Finished: May 25, 2016
  • Updated: May 27, 2016
  • Progress updates: 18 updates