Waffle It
April 27, 2016
October 4, 2016

Waffle It

Project info
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
63 stitch
Needles & yarn
US 1 - 2.25 mm
422 yards = 1.07 skeins
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
none left in stash
1 skein = 395.0 yards (361.2 meters), 120 grams
Green Planet Yarn
February 28, 2014
madelinetosh Tosh Sock
367 yards in stash
0.07 skeins = 27.7 yards (25.3 meters), 7 grams
Eat Sleep Knit
January 10, 2012

I’m designing a simple pair of socks for my SO using a waffle stitch. Don’t know if I’ll bother to publish it, but in the meantime, I’ll note the basic directions here.


2016-04-27: Cast on 63 stitches using GTCO; complete cuff.

2016-09-15: Complete first leg. Complete heel flap.

2016-09-22: Complete gusset, first sock.

2016-09-27: Complete foot & toe, first sock. Cast on second sock and complete cuff.

2016-09-29: Complete second sock leg.

2016-09-30: Complete heel flap, turn & gusset. Get about 2/3 through foot and run out of yarn. I’m taking the yarn leftover from the other sock and crossing my fingers. It looks like I might need to do a gray toe….

2016-10-01: I ran out of yarn in the middle of the last foot repeat. So, I’m ripping out the toe of sock 1 and using that yarn to finish the foot. These socks will have grey toes. Complete both toes. Weave in ends and block.
While blocking i discovered my legs were different lengths. I have a count of 32 repeats on one leg and 28 on the other. Once dry, I’ll cut out 4 repeats and kitchener.


Cuff: Cast on 63 stitches using German twisted cast on (33 stitches on instep needle, 30 on sole needle). Knit 12 rounds in K1, P2 rib.

Leg: Knit in pattern to desired length. Pattern is: R1- K to end of round; R2- K to end of round; R3-(K1, P2) repeat to end of round; R4: Repeat R3. Note: The K1 of the (K1, P2) is aligned with the K1 in the cuff ribbing. Knit 28 pattern repeats and then knit R1 again. DO NOT Knit the last stitch of the round.

Heel Flap: Move last stitch (the one not knit) from the 2nd needle to the first. Move the last stitch on needle 1 to the beginning of needle 2. You should have 33 stitches on needle 1 (instep) & 30 stitches on needle 2. The splitting point between heel side and instep side will be between 2 purls. Stitch pattern:

Modified Eye of Partridge Heel:
Row 1 (WS): SL 1, Purl to end of row.
Row 2 (RS): SL 1, K1, (SL2, K) * , K.
Row 3 (WS): SL 1, Purl to end of row.
Row 4 (RS): SL 2, (K2, SL1) * , K1.

Repeat these 4 rows 8 times and then repeat Rows 1 & 2.

Heel turn:
Row 1(RS): Slip 1 stitch, purl 16 stitches, P2tog, p1, turn.
Row 2 (WS): Slip 1 stitch, K5 stitches, ssk, k1, turn

Row 3(RS): Slip 1, purl to 1 stitch before gap created by turn on previous row, p2tog (1 stitch before gap and 1 stitch after gap), p1, turn.
Row 4(WS): Slip 1, knit to 1 stitch before gap created by turn on previous row, ssk (1stitch before gap and 1 stitch after gap), k1, turn.

Repeat rows 3 & 4 until all stitches have been worked. You should have 18 stitches. Place marker.

Instep Foot & Gusset Pattern: R1- K to end of round; R2- K to end of round; R3- P1 (K1, P2) repeat to 1 stitch before end of instep, P1; R4: Repeat R3.
For the sole, follow gusset decreases until correct stitch count reached, then knit all sole stitches.

PU&K 18 stitches, K across instep (Row 2 of pattern), PU&K 18 stitches, K to marker (end of heel).
Round 1: K to 2 stitches before instep, k2tog, Knit next round in pattern, SSK, K to end of round.
Round 2: K to instep, knit next round in pattern, K to end of round.
Repeat rounds 1 & 2 until 32 stitches remain on sole needle. You will have 32 stitches on the sole and 33 stitches on the instep. (The extra instep stitch will be handled at the toe.)

Continue knitting in pattern until 1 3/4” shy of desired length, ending either with round 2 or round 4 of pattern. Increase one stitch on the sole of the foot at any time before the toe. I ended up with 14 pattern repeats on the foot.


Next Time

  • Reduce foot by 2 rounds and increase toe by DD at the end.

  • Cut out 4 - 8 repeats on leg (for my SO). Cut out 8-12 repeats for a standard sock.

  • do a 1x3 rib on toe

  • Try a colorwork version where cuff, heel, toe and column of knit stitches are in 1 color & the other stitches aree in the second color.

viewed 111 times
April 27, 2016
October 4, 2016
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by madelinetosh
100% Merino
462 yards / 130 grams

56788 projects

stashed 55585 times

noliegirl's star rating
  • Project created: April 28, 2016
  • Finished: October 4, 2016
  • Updated: October 5, 2016
  • Progress updates: 11 updates