David's Peace Fleece Sweater
August 21, 2010
no date set

David's Peace Fleece Sweater

Project info
Set-in Sleeve Sweater - Adult Pullover by Ann Budd
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Peace Fleece DK/Sport
Sport (12 wpi)
10 skeins = 3500.0 yards (3200.4 meters)
Father's Grey
Peace Fleece
August 2010

8/21/10 -- Cast on. The colorations in this yarn are just so wonderful. Charcoal grey, with very subtle flecks of forest green, various shades of brown, and off-white. The tweediness is hard to see unless you are in direct sunlight, and then it truly shines. Just love it!

11/25/10 -- Finished back.
1/8/11 -- started 1st sleeve
1/25/11 -- finished 2nd sleeve. Only the finishing left to do!
2/2/11 -- Finished!

4/17/11 -- UPDATE: David has worn this sweater A LOT. And it just keeps on getting better and better and better. This confirms, and I reiterate: Peace Fleece is my favorite, favorite yarn.

viewed 154 times | helped 1 person
August 21, 2010
no date set
About this pattern
303 projects, in 36 queues
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  • Project created: August 22, 2010
  • Finished: February 2, 2011
  • Updated: April 17, 2011
  • Progress updates: 7 updates