Chanson d'Été
June 7, 2017
July 15, 2017

Chanson d'Été

Project info
Winter Song by Mona C. NicLeòid
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
24 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
6-ply 2/36 NM cashmere singles
none left in stash
1 skein = 1894.0 yards (1731.9 meters), 300 grams
Dk Grey Flannel
May 2017

Divided for sleeves after row 16 of charts.

Start front neck and shoulder shaping after row 10 of chart B, row 14 of chart A2. Finish on row 16 of chart A2

Notes for future knitting. This is non-trivial. Not because it’s intrinsically difficult, but I’m constantly swapping between 4 different charts, all of which are on different row numbers. That, combined with the fact that there are cables and twisted stitches on wrong side as well as right side rows, means that I need to concentrate on keeping my place all the time. Finally, the pattern is just all over the place. Pages and pages of notes which, while they may be helpful for people who wish to adapt for size or shape, aren’t placed in a way that makes the pattern flow well. You constantly have to scroll up and down through multiple pages to make the link between written instructions and the correct set of charts, while hopping over pages and pages of extraneous notes, hints and suggestions. Quite irritating!

However, I think this is probably going to be worth the effort.

Back neck shoulder. Cast off rows for neck A = row 11, B = row 5.


As I feared - the bottom part of the body (stocking stitch) is about 2 inches too short, even for my stubby torso. I can’t face tinking back 1.5 sleeves, the whole yoke, the collar and the button bands, so I’m going to have to do surgery to lengthen it. My fault - I measured and the measurements complied with the pattern directions for length, but my instinct even at that stage was telling me that I should put in some more stocking stitch before starting on the yoke. But I ploughed on regardless of what common sense was telling me, with very irritating results.


Surgery completed! I don’t ever want to have to do this again, so will measure, measure, measure for all future projects! However, cutting, lengthening and grafting were still better than unravelling the whole thing and starting again, and marginally better than cutting, lengthening and re-knitting the hem.


It’s finished, I’ve worn it and it was definitely worth the effort. I absolutely love this sweater - one of my all time favourites - and I’ve knitted quite a few sweaters over the years!

viewed 317 times | helped 4 people
June 7, 2017
July 15, 2017
About this pattern
82 projects, in 394 queues
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  • Project created: June 12, 2017
  • Finished: July 22, 2017
  • Updated: February 3, 2019
  • Progress updates: 5 updates