January 19, 2015
February 11, 2015


Project info
Aubrietia by Beatrice Perron Dahlen
Needles & yarn
US 9 - 5.5 mm
US 11 - 8.0 mm
1,113 yards
Cascade Yarns ® Eco+
56 yards in stash
1.69 skeins = 807.8 yards (738.7 meters), 422 grams
Cream City Yarn in Brookfield, Wisconsin
January 16, 2015
Cascade Yarns ® Ecological Wool®
80 yards in stash
0.64 skeins = 305.9 yards (279.7 meters), 160 grams
Cream City Yarn in Brookfield, Wisconsin
January 16, 2015

Started the sleeves and the chart does not reflect what the written pattern notes. Before you start on the lice pattern, you’re instructed to add a stitch for a total of 41 (in my case). Then you knit a bit in pattern then start following the chart. However, the increasing section - outside of the blocked off lice stitch repeat - is an even number of stitches (10, 12, etc). Two evens never equal an odd. One stitch isn’t accounted for and it was driving me bonkers until I sat down and counted. Hopefully this will help someone else and save some sanity points.

I posted my solution in the comments, but please feel free to send me a message if you need me to clarify anything!


I went up a needle size after my swatch was still a bit too tight. The yarn expanded by approximately 1 stitch and 1 row per inch from the unsoaked sample. I didn’t pin my swatch because I don’t plan on doing it for the sweater.

The fabric is lush and warm and I don’t know when I’m going to be able to wear something so heavy, but I intend on putting all of my effort into hoping for some snow after I finish! I love the allover pattern and I’m even taking this time as an opportunity to learn/ improve my continental skills!

It’s knitting up quickly, I have about 6 inches now (this morning) with minimal work put into it.

Okay, this is frustrating. My gauge swatch on my 8s was 18 stitches/in. So I went bigger because I had too many. Now, my gauge for the sweater is sitting at about 22 stitches/4 inches and I am confused and perturbed and will be remeasuring that swatch as soon as I can.

Okay, I finally had time to rip out my six inches of progress and after an afternoon and two upgrades in needle size I finally have gauge!!!! So what if there’s a few inches on the bottom of my sweater that’s tighter. I don’t care anymore, I just want to get some progress on this puppy.

Knit to 13 inches instead of 12 - didn’t realize it was supposed to be a cropped sweater? It’s a little hard to discern in the pictures presented, but oh well. I’ll just need to find a cute shirt to go under it/wear it with a dress as presented in the pictures.

Currently have 186 g of the natural color left, so more than half - I think I should be fine but I’m keeping an eye out just in case. I have a feeling I won’t need as much length in the arms.

Had to bump up to a size 11 needle to get gauge. My hands feel a bit sore from the change, but I’m almost there! Just a little more work and then it’s wooly goodness for me.

Started the second sleeve yesterday. Knit the first one to 19 inches. I think i’m losing length when I try it on because it’s a bit tighter than I thought it would be, so the fabric is stretching and taking away from the length. Had to take a break earlier this week because my left hand, so unused to being used in this manner, decided it didn’t really like gripping things after sprinting through most of sleeve 1. Hurrah for my failing body. Hurrah. I should probably be nicer on myself…

Just finished grafting the armpits and it’s soaking right now! The first picture is of it unblocked. It’s super cozy and with a tshirt on has only mild itchiness. Will report back on how it washes up. If my swatch is any indication, the wool only softens and fills out making for some pretty stitch definition. Hopefully I’ll be able to post pictures of the blocked sweater.

Overall, I really enjoyed this pattern and wool! Hoping this will serve me well over the years to come!

Decided to rip back about 18 rows (not including the ribbing) on the yoke to incorporate short rows. It’s been bunching up in a frustrating way. Details to follow!

viewed 235 times | helped 4 people
January 19, 2015
February 11, 2015
About this pattern
27 projects, in 90 queues
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About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
478 yards / 250 grams

34826 projects

stashed 14314 times

osailor's star rating
About this yarn
by Cascade Yarns ®
100% Wool
478 yards / 250 grams

25262 projects

stashed 12717 times

osailor's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 8, 2015
  • Project created: January 19, 2015
  • Finished: February 11, 2015
  • Updated: February 3, 2019
  • Progress updates: 5 updates