Girl with a Coin Cardigan
August 1, 2014
December 27, 2014

Girl with a Coin Cardigan

Project info
Aureus by Michele Wang
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Knit Picks City Tweed DK
246 yards in stash
10 skeins = 1230.0 yards (1124.7 meters), 500 grams
Knit Picks
July 24, 2014

So excited to start this! I have some modifications in mind, such as a raglan yoke (I really don’t like working set in sleeves) which will affect hopefully only one cable/lace motif per side, slightly more fitted sleeves, and a shorter length.

I’ve already started the swatch and I’m absolutely LOVING City Tweed. The color was slightly darker than I was expecting, but still gorgeous. I’ve included in the swatch two cable/lace motifs and enough stockinette to get a decent grasp on gauge. I’ll likely knit more than 4 inches up so I can practice picking up stitches for the button band and button holes (it’s been a while since I’ve done a cardigan - Helloooo purl)

Tried the tubular cast on method and all the websites I visited were right, IT’S AWESOME. I don’t know if I’ll be able to resist using it for all of my ribbing needs.

Jeeze oh pete, I was so gun ho about starting this thing that I got a head of myself and messed things up within the first ten rows. I had to set it down and step away from the knitting until the past few days. I credit my renewed efforts to the extensive archival reading I’ve been doing of Kate Davies’s blog (WHEN CAN I TRANSPLANT TO SCOTLAND AND ITS BEAUTIFUL HILLS?!?!)

That being said, I’ve had some time to think about the cardigan and I’ve decided not to do a raglan yoke, but instead try my hand at top down short row set in sleeves. The last time I tried seamed set-in sleeves and was only just able to tolerate the seaming. I’m hoping this time around I’ll have more luck as NO SEWING IS REQUIRED. I fall solidly into the NO SEAM camp, evidenced in the seamless body I am currently knitting.

I still love this yarn, though I’ve been unable to do much knitting outside as it’s been a typical southern summer. For how much I adore rain, I have a low tolerance for humidity. Unless it gives way to the aforementioned rain. All this to say alpaca and humidity combined are a unique torture for me.

Finished my first pattern repeat! Still not at 8 inches… I have never actually attempted such a big project with such small needles and yarn. I’ve kind of been working my way down the yarn weights, started with Bulky, then Worsted, now DK. I really don’t ever want to go any smaller, but who knows! No, for real, unless it’s in the round, nothing smaller.

Nearing the end of my third pattern repeat. It’s taken me this long because I’ve had to write a bunch of papers for school and have to pick one or the other because my hands can’t actually take the stress of both. I’ve taken to stretching them every other row or so when they start to ache.
I’m extending the body length by half an inch, which by my calculations will bring me a little into my fourth repeat.
Still digging the yarn. I’ve used about four balls I think at this point. Still digging the pattern, I love the lace cable motifs.

Mods that I’m considering:
Less loose sleeves, not necessarily fitted but I really don’t like the gathered cuff.
Picking up sleeves after doing a three needle bind off at the shoulders working short rows to make them and the sleeves top down because I truly hate seaming.

oh look at that, i had to take a break again. Over the weekend, I made it through the armhole shaping decreases and so all that’s between me and those sleeves is roughly 8 inches of pattern and hands that won’t cooperate.

Things I’m worried about:
My seamless decision - is it going to be too loose? will it retain its shape? is it worth the anxiety when i really can’t do anything else about it? I figure a general mollification mantra of “it’ll be fine” and “she’ll like it regardless” will get me by.

Finished 1.5 hats since my last entry. But this weekend I devoted all of my knitting time to knitting and was able to complete the shoulder seams!


  • 3-Needle bind off!
  • No decreases after neck shaping because I didn’t think three stitches were enough of a shoulder seam and I’m paranoid about it slipping because I haven’t seamed anything else on this sweater. So, I bound off the 51 stitches worth of pattern on the back portion and 1 on each side of the back shoulders to match the 21 stitches on the front shoulder portions. The seams look super nice and the sweater is instantly recognizable as such to all!

So now, all I have are the sleeves, collar, and blocking to look forward to!!! Now that I’m not knitting with three balls of yarn, I might actually be able to bring it to work. As of now, I’ve been knitting the sweater at home and the hats everywhere else. I might keep it that way.

Future modifications:
- Plain stockinette sleeves. I’m really digging what JimiKnits did with those sleeves and the idea of less is more, especially with a fitted sleeve that I’ve had in mind. I’m also going to do the short row seamless set in sleeves to boot!

Started the first sleeve last night! Picked up 80 stitches and have settled on decreasing 2 stitches every 4 rows for the shaping.
I can almost see the finished sweater now, blocking on my new mats as I frantically finish the rest of my projects…

So I finished a sleeve last night and in the light of day, with a full night’s sleep, I’m relatively certain I jumbled some numbers in my head. I basically decreased the cuff to the point of itty child proportions and will now have to tear back a few inches and just knit straight until I get my 18 inches. Thankfully, it’s such a small circumference that it doesn’t really equal up to much yarn. I just had hoped to have had the sleeve finished by last night. I suppose this is what I get for a) waiting this long to finish and b) staying up late to knit. Knitting very rarely goes right when I’m tired.
My hands are hurting again, so it’ll be another night of sleeping with the braces because knitting in them is not worth the frustration. And while I find cursing a soothing practice, I’m told it’s not entirely polite when in public.

Didn’t finish this in time for my 12/24 deadline… I had one cuff and a sleeve left. UGH. This happened last time with another sweater and frankly, I just need to practice better time management. I’m about halfway done with the second sleeve and then it’s time for blocking and buttons.

Two more buttons to the button band
1.5 in ribbing for the cuff at the neck
traditional bind off with a bigger needle for the button band instead of doing a tubular bind off…

…which reminds me, holy mackerel tubular cast off for that neck was a doozy.

The seamless set in sleeves are coming along nicely. I am inclined to actually like knitting set in sleeves and I will no longer be adverse to said patterns! I feel my XP increasing right now.

I finished it!! It’s drying as I type and I’m so proud of it, cute little cardi. All that’s left after that is buttons and sending it off to my sister!

On my monitor, the color that the yarn is the closest to is in the picture of the cardigan without arms.

viewed 203 times
August 1, 2014
December 27, 2014
About this pattern
46 projects, in 290 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
55% Merino, 25% Alpaca, 20% Acrylic, Rayon
123 yards / 50 grams

14553 projects

stashed 12256 times

osailor's star rating
  • Originally queued: July 24, 2014
  • Project created: August 1, 2014
  • Finished: December 27, 2014
  • Updated: February 3, 2019
  • Progress updates: 5 updates