Silly Shark Sock
no date set
April 3, 2014

Silly Shark Sock

Project info
Funny Shark Slippers by Penelope vt
Feet / LegsSlippers
UK 7
Hooks & yarn

It’s a real shame I couldn’t get hold of a copy of the best shark sock pattern, Shark Sock Week, this is the best of the alternatives that I could find at the time.

I’ve not done much crochet so this was a nice challenge for me (and the reason that the tail is untidy and gets neater closer to the front!)

My friend Ruth is a great sport - she hinted that she’d like this for Silly Sock Day (in aid of Autism) - having lost a leg makes this an even more wicked joke!

I absolutely love it and think mine looks better than the pattern (tips - use a blue/grey for the body, embroider small eyes and sew some blood-red yarn around the teeth)

viewed 244 times | helped 2 people
no date set
April 3, 2014
About this pattern
158 projects, in 278 queues
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  • Project created: April 3, 2014
  • Finished: April 3, 2014
  • Updated: September 27, 2022