Plan: Work size small with sleeves.
Expected modifications: I’ll likely lengthen the body and I’m unsure about sleeves, at least 3/4 length.
Actual modifications: lengthened body, knitted on hem to pair in with the body stripe patterning (more or less), long sleeves (with corrugated ribbing at cuff), hood
My measurements (inches): I’m 5’1” with a ~33” bust, 31.5” hip; 26” waist. 14” from my hip to armhole.
Yardage remaining: I used up nearly two entire skeins of MC, N8A. I only have just over 1g aka 4.25 yards (4m) of MC left! I have significantly more of the fade kit remaining… just over 95g or 415.25 yd (379.75m).
Swatched 4 & 5mm needle, wet blocked, and hung to dry. I knit very loose.
4mm = 4.5spi.
Finished winding the fade kit.
CO and worked first repeat. Wanted to stay up past my bedtime and keep knitting.
Finished part 1.
Change to next skein in fade kit every ~24 rows, estimating 120 rows for top front length before squaring off the bottom. Working colours lightest of fade to darkest.
Got a bit too comfortable with the 3-st slip pattern and worked an extra repeat. After removing those two rows I discovered i’d introduced two extra stitches at some point before that (I probably forgot to do initial/final decrease at the start of Part 2 when I likely last counted 151 sts).
At first, I tried to correct with a k3tog/sssk however that would change the rib pattern which is quite tempting for a variety of reasons.
For this version I’ll try to keep to the design as written. So I’ll just work with these two extra stitches. I don’t know where I introduced them but with proper decreasing they shouldn’t be noticeable in the finished top.
Found my added sts! I’d worked the center increase on the reverse side on the final 4th row of the 3-st repeat. ![:blush: blush](
Tinked and fixed.
That also explains why I struggled to read what was going on. I was looking on the front!
This round of elder care is exhausting (though we’re making progress toward our long term care plan). I have to constantly tink back and fix little mistakes.
My unblocked width for the front is at about 19” which is where I want it. (My table is about 20” at the widest point for those curious about length.)
I may skip the bottom band, or modify it. I like the effect as I square the bottom. I’ll make a decision when I finish knitting the body (front & back).
Hopefully I can finish fast. I’d love to wear this for Rosh Hashannah. The shul AC makes it frigid in there!
Front finished, minus the bottom band. I have an idea for a knitted on version to add length and continue the color stripe effect.
While I neglected to weigh all skeins at the start, I used approximately: Ombre Fade 1 - 6.4g, Fade 2 - 6.4g, Fade 3 - 7.65g, Fade 4 - 8g, Fade 5 - 15g.
If I calculated correction -- I’ll use the first skein in my fade kit until I reach about 123 sts which is about where I switched to the second skein for the front.
Progress has slowed. First: I dropped the center stitch marker and thought I returned it to the right spot but the back ended up with a turn that my spine did not appreciate. Second: I realized I wanted to drop a needle size. So I restarted the back again, twice. The first restart I wasn’t paying attention at all while watching TV and worked it all in garter stitch! This time I’m using Milli’s modification for the back and there’s a mini V instead of the “standard” garter stitch tab. I doubt I’ll wear it reversed, but I like the look.
Squared off half the back. Seamed shoulders and one side. Definitely want to work the bottom hem and the sleeves differently to preserve the lines that I like. Hope to finish squaring and finish the back soon. I want to wear this now that the weather has turned.
Also need to think on how I want to firm up the V-neck, it’s very deep.
We all have covid so more (slow) knitting time. Finished the back body and modified front hem.
Please keep that in mind if you attempt this modification. It took me several tries to get it right so I can’t promise these scribbled notes make sense!
use a circular ndl to pick up loops of sts along bottom edge. A, B, A, B etc. At center I had 3 in a row of my solid color.
(I may have A and B switched. modify so it matches)
w/ RS facing
Row 1: w yarn color matching p/u st K-cast on 8 sts.
R 2: P to last st of same color switch to other color, k2tog.
Knitted on Border:
Row 1: w A sl1, (k,p) to end.
Row 2: p to last st, switch to B and k2tog. // this creates a “purl bump” mimicking the pattern on the front).
Row 3: w B sl1 (k, p) to end.
Row 4: k to last st, switch to A and k2tog. // this creates the “knit” as on the front.
This isn’t exact the same as the front as the stitch count never shifts to rearrange sts.
For the back hem, just change the (k,p) to knit or purl as appropriate to match the design.
Helps to watch gauge while knitting the sleeves. Ripped out and restarted …. looks better now.
Challenging to take photos of yourself wearing an in-progress sleeve. Happy with how this feels (and knits). Now working over 60sts to start (technically size M) and dec 2sts after 20 rnds twice. Switching colours every 7 repeats of AB color switch. I think it’ll work out. Current plan is to end with corrugated ribbing.
Ends woven, seams tidied. Gave it a light steam block with the iron. Need to make a drawstring for the hood but it’s completely wearable like this. Many things I’d do differently but I like it. The colors, fit, and design surprise me. Not where I normally gravitate.
I’ll fill in the missing notes eventually or visit my site for a few more details.