Summer flies
August 30, 2011
October 16, 2011

Summer flies

Project info
Summer Flies by Donna Griffin
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
my wedding
Needles & yarn
US 8 - 5.0 mm
Debbie Bliss Andes
3.6 skeins = 396.0 yards (362.1 meters), 180 grams
Morris & Sons in Melbourne, Victoria

Lovely pattern! This was my first real lace project, and it was really easy to follow and very satisfying indeed.

NB: First two photos are by Sayher Heffernan - Bottom two photos show unblocked shawl. The first photo is probably more accurate re: colour - it’s a soft blue-grey, with just a hint of purple-ness. Very nice!

Blocked and ready to wear, a week before the wedding! I have surprised myself. I love this shawl!


  • Added extra repeats of the knotted openwork and one full section of the ridged eyelets. (see note below)
  • In the ruffle edge section, I only kfb every second stitch, for a less ruffly effect.

After adding the extra section of ridged eyelets before the ruffle edge, I ended up with too many rows of stockinette before the kfb of the ruffle edge. I should have checked more carefully how the end of the ridged eyelet section matched with the start of the ruffle edge section - I ended up ripping back a couple of rows and doing 2 rows less of stockinette at the start of the ruffle edge.

Started off with 4.5mm needle but went up to 5mm (although recommended size for this yarn is 4mm) because I want it to be quite loose and open, like in the pattern photos.

viewed 357 times | helped 2 people
August 30, 2011
October 16, 2011
About this pattern
7635 projects, in 5841 queues
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About this yarn
by Debbie Bliss
65% Alpaca, 35% Silk
110 yards / 50 grams

2708 projects

stashed 3101 times

piecesofkate's star rating
  • Originally queued: July 1, 2011
  • Project created: September 1, 2011
  • Finished: October 19, 2011
  • Updated: July 7, 2012
  • Progress updates: 5 updates