walking on sunlight
March 17, 2010
April 6, 2010

walking on sunlight

Project info
Shur'tugal by Alice Yu
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
me me me!
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
Malabrigo Yarn Sock
none left in stash
1 skein = 440.0 yards (402.3 meters), 100 grams

64 stitches
US1.5 (2.5mm)

These socks are going to take a loooong time to knit. The “twists” are tricky, esp the Left. But the fabric is lovely - smooshy and pretty. Hope the stitch definition holds.

LOVE the yarn! Must have more!!

28 Mar 10
first sock leg done (11-row ribbed cuff and 6 repeats of 12-row pattern). Risk of delay in knitting 2nd sock; will try to prevent by knitting both legs before moving on to heels.
Note: weighed yarn - approx 30 grams in ball, 20 in leg.

30 Mar 10
cast on 2nd sock, worked cuff and one repeat.
31 Mar 10
Did one repeat before going to work, another after work. That’s three…halfway.

2 April 10
both legs done; time for heel flaps. why the M1 on the heel flaps? I don’t want to add any unnecessary tricks to these socks - the twists already have me thinking I won’t make this pattern again. It’s very pretty, but I have to watch every stitch, every row, except the K all row which is SO welcome every time it rolls around! Maybe I’m just lazy.

3 April 10
sat outside and did the heel flaps on both socks - pretty!! - and turned both heels, while waiting for eye to stop twitching (argh). Did one gusset and started decreases.

4 April 10
a great weekend for knitting - outdoors. It was a very good idea to knit these socks in tandem, as otherwise they would probably never become a Pair of Socks. Now I have one foot done nearly to the toe, and the second gusset decreases done. Not bad progress, and the socks really will be lovely. If Ann was not opposed to handwashing, I would be giving these to her although they were begun for me - that’s how pretty they are.

8 Apr 10 - Finished yesterday when I had no computer. Wearing these socks with black sandals to office today, although prediction is for 80 degrees - they may have a short day.

viewed 208 times | helped 1 person
March 17, 2010
April 6, 2010
About this pattern
1542 projects, in 1762 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
Light Fingering
100% Merino
440 yards / 100 grams

139024 projects

stashed 106117 times

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  • Project created: March 17, 2010
  • Finished: April 7, 2010
  • Updated: September 17, 2010
  • Progress updates: 8 updates