Noam's Rainbows
April 2, 2014
July 10, 2014

Noam's Rainbows

Project info
Feather and Fan Rainbow Baby Blanket by Cathy Waldie
BlanketBaby Blanket
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm

This beautiful blanket is a gift for sweet little Noam.
When Grace told me she is pregnant, I knew immediately that I will knit a blanket for her baby, and so I started thinking about something with a great meaning to combine in the project. A rainbow seemed to be the perfect idea.

I made two rainbows across the blanket:

One, represents the Biblical story of Noach’s ark, where God presented the rainbow as a symbol of covenant:

And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:” Genesis 9:12.

The other rainbow, represents Grace & Yoav’s (Noam’s parents) unity: when Yoav asked Grace to marry him, seven rainbows appeared in the sky.

I love love love the way this blanket came out!
I enjoyed every second of knitting it. “Feather and Fan” is one of my favorite patterns, plus the great meanings of the rainbows on the blankets and of course - the joy of knitting for those you love :)

Congratulations Grace and Yoav - for the birth of your first (of many to come…) child!
Congratulations Noam - for choosing the best parents in the world!
Congratulations to the wonderful grandparents and to all the family!

viewed 38 times
April 2, 2014
July 10, 2014
About this pattern
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  • Project created: September 28, 2014
  • Finished: September 28, 2014
  • Updated: June 20, 2015