Grape Moonlight Mohair Shawl
April 7, 2008
April 21, 2016

Grape Moonlight Mohair Shawl

Project info
Metallic Shawl by Alicia Underwood
Loom Knitting
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Tools and equipment
KK blue 50 peg long loom
847 yards
Caron Simply Soft Heathers
63 yards in stash
1.75 skeins = 437.5 yards (400.1 meters), 248 grams
Michael's Crafts
Lion Brand Moonlight Mohair
none left in stash
5 skeins = 410.0 yards (374.9 meters), 250 grams
Tuesday Morning

This came out beautifully! Using 50 pegs on Knifty Knitter long blue loom. This was done in “e-wrap” which makes a twisted stockinette stitch.

Notice that because it rounds the end of the blue loom, the center has 4 stitch rows together instead of 2 as it comes off the loom. It just looks like a variation. You won’t get that effect if you use the large yellow round loom as specified in the pattern.

I used 6 strands (Simply Soft and Lion Brand) for each fringe.


After all this time I just realized I linked the wrong yarn to this project. LOL

I don’t wear this as often as I’d like, so I’m going to seam it into a shrug.


I finished this back in April or May, but forgot to take a photo.

The second and the last photo are the finished shrug. I hand stitched some purple fold-over elastic in order to keep the mohair edge off my skin. And I changed the fringe to shells, because it’s just a bit long over my hands.

Fits nicely, and I will definitely make another shrug with my looms, since this is nice and airy or I could use a bulkier yarn and make a really warm one.

A fast way to get the sleeves I want, without purchasing a sweater.

viewed 389 times
April 7, 2008
April 21, 2016
About this pattern
13 projects, in 18 queues
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About this yarn
by Lion Brand
57% Acrylic, 28% Mohair, 9% Cotton, 6% Polyester
82 yards / 50 grams

2488 projects

stashed 3980 times

raynathompson's star rating
About this yarn
by Caron
100% Acrylic
250 yards / 142 grams

8469 projects

stashed 2934 times

raynathompson's star rating
  • Project created: April 10, 2008
  • Finished: April 18, 2008
  • Updated: March 15, 2019