February 21st: I got a kick realising the end was so near. I got up to 5.5 rows/hour. At that speed, and with a very moderate weekly effort, I could have completed the afghan in 4.5 months. Thus enjoying it this winter. Instead, I’ll have spent 9.5 months (over twice as much time). It’s no good idea really, you just lose the motivation. I got caught in all those small “instant reward” projects, commissioned work, and Christmas presents… Lesson learnt!
October 18th: checked the gauge. A rough estimate gives 8.4 rows/10cm instead of 9.1 (8-9% too tight). I’ll see what I decide when I approach the end. The width can’t be changed anyway, and I don’t want to alter the gauge halfway through the afghan either! 84 rows
October 9th: 16 rows today (total 66 rows and 30%). I plan to reactivate the project. With 10 weeks to Christmas, if I stick to 15-16 rows a week, I should make it. Should be no more than 3.5 hours work a week. I just have to make it in a focused way.
September 11th: slow but pleasurable progress. 50 rows.
July 7th: puts in hibernation until I finish an order.
31 May: 15% done, there is enough length to get a feel of the wonderful drape. I could also estimate that the whole agfhan will weigh as little as 560g for 2.5 sq.m! Yet the evenly woven stucture of Tunisian Simple Stitch makes it “closed” and surprisingly warm. I’m really starting to love this yarn that I originally found difficult to work with because of the halo.
First photo is 24 rows. I went through the whole palette of colors and seem to cover them with 22-23 rows, which is quite accurately 1/10th of the intended length. Looking forward to the big effect.
Second photo is only at row 12 (out of probably 220), but it looks nice. I like the way both yarns change color subtely and we move from a dark black&brown, to a soft grey&pink :-)