This is a Japanese knot bag.
On Big Phil
T7 for body of bag, T6 for straps.
16 ss and 25.33 rr = 10 cm/4 inches in pattern.
Cast on 45-0-45 in a 4 ply waste yarn at T7.
Knit 8 rows or so of WY, 1 row ravel cord.
Start stitch pattern:
2 rows navy
1 row beige
(Cut yarn after this row, take carriage off and put it back on the other side.)
2 rows navy
Starting at right, bring 4th needle into holding position, leave 5 in WP, next in HP…until end of row. Rearrange weights if necessary.
Knit 4 rows in rust, bring HP needles back into WP.
2 rows navy
2 rows beige
2 rows navy.
Starting at right, bring 7th needle into holding position, leave 5 in WP, next in HP…until end of row. Rearrange weights if necessary.
Knit 4 rows in rust, bring HP needles back into WP.
Repeat pattern from * to * until RC=72.
Make handles/straps
Short strap - large half
Put all needles into HP except the 15 on the extreme right. At T6, knit 48 rows in rust, then finish with a few rows waste yarn. (48 rows was too many but I shortened later by making a “knot”.)
Bring the next 15 needles into WP and cast them off from right to left.
Long strap for shoulder bag
The middle 30 stitches are knitted as two strips simultaneously (Big Phil is an intarsia machine, so this is easy to do). Cast off the 15 stitches to the left of these 30 central needles.
Using two separate balls of the rust yarn, lay the yarn in the hooks of the two groups of 15 central stitches and knit them side by side at T6 for 130 rows. Change to WY and knit a few rows in this as well - still separately.
2nd half of short strap
Now knit two rows of rust on the group of 15 on the LHS of needlebed and finish on waste yarn.
Remove work from machine.
Graft long straps together.
Graft short straps (15 stitches at either end of work) together.
Backstitch through raw edge of cast on.
Sew sides of knitting together with purl side outermost and incorporating a zip.
Cut circle of leather 8-8.25 inches in diameter for base of bag and attach to bottom.
I did this by punching 2.5mm holes around the edge and crocheting through these, then crocheting the bag to the base.