Spring 2011 OWL Project
May 2, 2011
July 21, 2011

Spring 2011 OWL Project

Project info
Mitered Square Wrap & Shawl by O/C Knitiot - Deby Lake
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Debbie Kebe
Needles & yarn
US 3 - 3.25 mm

5/2: Awaiting approval of my OWL proposal. This will be one of my sock yarn scrap applications, as well as part of my Shawl Gift Year.
ETA - Approval received within hours of proposing! Fantastic. I have four squares done as swatches, and they will be my anchor pieces to begin. How many different yarns will make it into the finished product?? Hmmmmmmmm.

5/3: my target is to get two sections knit per day to meet the mid-term goal and finish with time for the edging.

5/8: Completed 13 squares in the first three rows. I’ve completely memorized the pattern, not that this was much of a challenge. The big challenge will be getting the blocks done in a timely manner so that I have enough time to put the edging on - once I’ve learned the technique! ;-) Vacation should provide me a fair amount of time…

5/19: Vacation didn’t provide the kind of free (knitting) time I was expecting. Still, I’ve completed the first seven rows. Eighteen more to go.

5/21: The ride home, and my awesome traveling companions, provided me the opportunity to finish another row. Five more rows to the midpoint…

5/26: Completed the 9th row, putting me at 36% finished. I have other knitting to complete before the end of the month, so I will put this wrap on hold until I get those things done. If I can be 75% complete by the end of June, I’ll be in great shape to complete the OWL on time!

UPDATE: I had 35% of the wrap completed at the start of the Memorial Day weekend.Through some bizarre chain of events, my WIP has vanished and likely ended up in the trash. On Saturday, June 4, I cast on to begin again. As of Friday night, June 10, I’ve finished 26 squares. Granted, I’ve been knitting like a crazy woman…but I’m still hopeful that I can get to the 50% mark before the end of June!

6/23 - I should have no problem meeting the 50% mark for my OWL by the end of the month. Today I made it to the 50% mark for the mitered squares, 56 complete. Yay!

6/28 - Completed the 50% mark for my owl. Whew!

7/17 - I haven’t done much documenting of the second half of this project, eh? I had a week-long business trip, during which this was the project I worked on for the most part. Still, it’s taken me more than two weeks to finish 90% of the mitered squares. I hope I’ve managed to leave enough time to get the i-cord edging done. I have only ten squares left to knit, so I should have those done by the end of the week, giving me more than a week to stitch the edging.

7/19 - Completed the squares! Next up, i-cord edging. I’ve had to watch a couple YouTube videos to really understand how this works. The toughest part will probably be seeing the black yarn…

viewed 96 times | helped 1 person
May 2, 2011
July 21, 2011
About this pattern
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  • Project created: May 2, 2011
  • Updated: July 22, 2011
  • Progress updates: 19 updates