Simple Toe up socks
June 13, 2013
August 15, 2013

Simple Toe up socks

Project info
Toe-Up Socks With a Difference by Wendy D. Johnson
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Needles & yarn

In a knitting group that meets at the library and we decided to learn a technique together using this pattern. To-up socks using magic loop!

6/28/13 one sock done. I altered the pattern so it would be in size small. I redid the bind-off twice because i made it too tight. I ended up going up to a bigger needle and that did the trick.

viewed 14 times
June 13, 2013
August 15, 2013
About this pattern
2967 projects, in 1614 queues
rubyheart9's overall rating
rubyheart9's clarity rating
rubyheart9's difficulty rating
  • Originally queued: June 17, 2013
  • Project created: June 17, 2013
  • Updated: August 17, 2013
  • Progress updates: 3 updates