Flower Power Mittens
January 16, 2012
September 7, 2012

Flower Power Mittens

Project info
Isidora by SpillyJane
ladies medium
Needles & yarn
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
300 yards = 1.3 skeins
Knit Picks Palette
185 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 46.2 yards (42.2 meters), 10 grams
knit picks
Knit Picks Palette
647 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 46.2 yards (42.2 meters), 10 grams
Knit Picks Palette
116 yards in stash
0.5 skeins = 115.5 yards (105.6 meters), 25 grams
Knit Picks Palette
185 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 46.2 yards (42.2 meters), 10 grams
Knit Picks Palette
185 yards in stash
0.2 skeins = 46.2 yards (42.2 meters), 10 grams
knit picks

7/9/12 - got up early to redo the thumb. Ripped back and picked up stitches in the holes, so the thumb count is 24 sts. Knit for 23 rounds and then did the decreases. Much better!

Now onto blocking, then I can weave in ends…

6/9/12 - the thumb on the second mitten is way too small! I don’t have notes here about what I did on the first one either. Bah! I’m ripping out the thumb… Will try to pick up an extra few stitches, I think that’s what I must have done.

2/9/12 - finished the mitten on the drive home from camping. All except the thumb and kitchnering the top. Oh and the blocking of course.

9/5/12 - attacked by second mitt syndrome! These are next on my hit list! I’d love to have them off the needles and blocking sometime this weekend…

13/3/12 - so I knit and ripped out the second mitten. I made 2 lefties… seriously silly! The frogging didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. I’ll recast on soon…

18/1/12 - done the first mitten. totally guessing at yarn amounts used. It’s not very much thats for sure…

MOD: I cast on only 56 sts for the cuff, I wanted it tighter, and increased to the correct amount on the first pattern round. Knit the rest according to pattern.

17/1/12 - I was knitting along last night thinking I’d stop when I got to the first flowers, then I thought well the thumb is so close, I’ll just knit to it, then, well, why not a few rows more, and suddenly it was 11pm. Past my bedtime for sure! But I finished half the first mitten already :)

16/1/12 - need to stash dive and start these. Got these in a lovely rak from Lovetocraft in the Itty Bitty Group. Thanks so much Deb!

viewed 171 times | helped 1 person
January 16, 2012
September 7, 2012
About this pattern
143 projects, in 414 queues
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About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
231 yards / 50 grams

98183 projects

stashed 145361 times

sauceyjill's star rating
  • Originally queued: January 16, 2012
  • Project created: January 16, 2012
  • Finished: October 31, 2012
  • Updated: March 11, 2013
  • Progress updates: 10 updates