Test Knit - Satsuma Stripes
June 8, 2012
June 21, 2012

Test Knit - Satsuma Stripes

Project info
Satsuma Stripes by CityPurl
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1,101 yards = 9.75 skeins
Sublime Yarns Organic Merino Wool DK
170 yards in stash
7.5 skeins = 847.5 yards (775.0 meters), 375 grams
hip 2 knit
Sublime Yarns Organic Merino Wool DK
62 yards in stash
2.25 skeins = 254.3 yards (232.5 meters), 112 grams
hip 2 knit

1/7/12 - wove in ends and got some ok fo shots… Great knit, love this project!

23/6/12 - well I put up all the not blocked and ends sticking out pictures, mostly for Sharon :)

I have a busy morning today but I’m hoping to attack all those ends this afternoon and evening, preferably with a cold drink.

Maybe a FO shoot tomorrow?

21/6/12 - weaving in ends and blocking… hope to get pictures this weekend…

17/6/12 - started right sleeve…

16/6/12 - increasing on the body. Stripe 9.

14/6/12 - In the middle of the body decreases… no problems.

12/6/12 - everything looks great onto the body…

10/6/12 - started stripes… Hope to separate for the arms today…

Knitting attack! I separated for the sleeves just an hour ago. I was all happy. I flipped to page 4 and bamm! I counted the stripe pattern rounds I had and compared to the ones on the page. Then (feeling a bit sick) I counted my sleeve rounds before I started the stripe pattern and realized that I started the stripes 4 rounds to soon. 3 inches of knitting, almost the whole day lost… dang! Oiy I’m so glad I caught it before I got to the waist decreases!

So I ripped back to before the start of the stripes. I’m pouring a beer and starting again. There is no way I’ll get to the sleeve separation tonight. Sigh…

8/6/12 - went to the city today to buy yarn to start. I’m afraid that my parcel may be tied up at the border or somehow has entered the black hole that is Canada Post…

Got gauge with the 3.5mm. This is going to be a warm sweater! I think I’m bang on with the row gauge too. I still need to wash and block the swatch but I’m casting on.

29/5/12 - just placed yarn order. Will cast on as soon as it arrives

31/5/12 - another tester has chosen the same colours as I ordered so I’m debating changing to madtosh dk in thicket and calligraphy. I’ll have to check the yarn budget and maybe take a trip to the city… bummer

viewed 1273 times | helped 2 people
June 8, 2012
June 21, 2012
About this pattern
75 projects, in 362 queues
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About this yarn
by Sublime Yarns
100% Merino
113 yards / 50 grams

2317 projects

stashed 1673 times

sauceyjill's star rating
  • Project created: May 29, 2012
  • Finished: July 1, 2012
  • Updated: January 3, 2013
  • Progress updates: 9 updates