With my recent sweater recycling kick in full swing I thought I should actually USE some of the yarn. A recycled large women’s sweater (50% cotton 50% linen) in DK sounded perfect for this pattern in an old IK. So far I love how it’s coming out. I just hope I have enough yarn to finish it…
Jan 1, 2013 Ouch! The finishing on this project is no joke! It took me 1.5 days to seam it and put on the edging. 1.5 days of pretty much full time work. But, the result is a very tailored looking little spring sweater that I can wear to work. I have snaps to put on the front, but I think I’ll try it without them for a bit. It looks good just left open in the front.
Dec 30, 2012 - I can’t believe this sweater has been in progress for so long. I was thinking about making myself a sweater and then realized I have one in progress. I vowed to finish this one before starting another. Both sleeves are done and it’s now blocking. Just need to seam it up and then put the neck and front picot edge on.
March 28th - Picking this back up after a winter hibernation. It’s a spring sweater so I’m finishing it for spring!
Nov 2nd - Finished both fronts.
Oct 26th - Finished the back of the sweater. On to the two fronts!