Roses feature prominently in two of my swap partner’s selected fairy tales. The sisters Snow White and Rose Red are compared to the white and red rose trees in their mother’s garden, and Kai from “The Snow Queen” remembers his friend when he sees roses. So I thought something rose-related was appropriate.
My swap partner also has a little girl, and so something for costume play seemed like fun. So I invented some crowns of roses. I made the roses following this pattern (which I can’t find in Ravelry’s database): I used a starting chain of either 22 or 25 chains. The green bands are knit in garter stitches, 3 stitches wide, until they were about 14 inches long, and then I sewed green cords onto the ends to make ties and the roses to the bands.
A hint for next time: sew the roses close together, close enough that the band doesn’t lie flat on its own. The crown will look better when worn and stretched a bit that way.