MC: Boomerato Heel
August 28, 2014
August 28, 2014

MC: Boomerato Heel

Project info
Needles & yarn

This heel is a hybrid of hourglass (aka “boomerang”) and Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato short-row heels. It consists of 4 shallow short-row wedges, 2 narrowing and 2 widening.

The heel is worked over 2/3 of sock stitches. Do the math and transfer the required number of stitches from Instep needle(s) onto Heel needle(s). Put remaining middle instep stitches on hold.
In this demonstration 6 stitches outside the markers serve as those transferred instep stitches.

Heel Wedge 1 (blue)
Row 1 (RS): Knit to last 6 sts and perform RS wrap&turn maneuvre on 7th stitch (if counted from the left) according to your short-row method.
Row 2: Purl to last 6 sts and perform WS wrap&turn maneuvre on 7th stitch (if counted from the left) according to your short-row method.
Row 3: Knit to 2 sts before w&t of previous phase and perform RS w&t on 2nd stitch (if counted from the left). You should have one regular stitch between two w&t’s.
Row 4: Knit to 2 sts before w&t of previous phase and perform WS w&t on 2nd stitch (if counted from the left). You should have one regular stitch between two w&t’s.
Repeat Rows 3-4 until about 1/6 of sock stitches remain between last w&t’s. Note the number.

Heel Wedge 2 (green)
Set-up Row 1 (RS): Knit to last 4 sts, concealing wraps on RS as you pass them, according to your short-row method, w&t on 5th stitch from the left.
Set-up Row 2: Purl to last 4 sts, concealing wraps on WS as you pass them, according to your short-row method, w&t on 5th stitch from the left.
Then work as for Heel Wedge 1.

Heel Wedge 3 (white)
Row 1 (RS): Knit to the nearest RS w&t, conceal it and w&t on the next stitch (i.e. between two w&t’s).
Row 2: Purl to the nearest WS w&t, conceal it and w&t on the next stitch (i.e. between two w&t’s).
Row 3: Knit past both RS w&t’s concealing them and w&t on the next stitch (i.e. between two w&t’s).
Row 4: Purl past both WS w&t’s concealing them and w&t on the next stitch (i.e. between two w&t’s).
Repeat Rows 3-4 till the last w&t’s of Heel Wedge 2 (i.e. you’ll have 4 intact stitches and then 2 adjacent w&t’s at each edge).

Heel Wedge 4 (orange)
Row 1 (RS): Knit past middle stitches from Heel Wedge 1, w&t on RS. Make sure you have the even number of stitches between this w&t and the last w&t of Heel Wedge 3.
Row 2: Purl the number of middle stitches, w&t on WS. Make sure you have the even number of stitches between this w&t and the last w&t of Heel Wedge 3.
Row 3: Knit past w&t of previous RS row concealing it, k1, RS w&t on the next stitch.
Row 4: Purl past w&t of previous WS row concealing it, p1, WS w&t on the next stitch.
Repeat Rows 3-4 till reaching last w&t’s of Heel Wedge 3.
Next RS row: Knit past all remaining w&t’s, k1, RS w&t on 3rd stitch from the left =2 sts left before end of Heel needle.
Next WS row: Purl past all remaining w&t’s, p1, WS w&t on 3rd stitch from the left =2 sts left before end of Heel needle.

Resume working in the round, concealing last two w&t’s as you pass them and transferring borrowed rightmost and leftmost stitches from Heel needle(s) back onto Instep needle(s).

Example: Autumn is Coming

viewed 689 times | helped 5 people
August 28, 2014
August 28, 2014
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
  • Project created: August 24, 2014
  • Finished: August 29, 2014
  • Updated: May 11, 2015