Best Laid Plans
November 22, 2015
December 31, 2015

Best Laid Plans

Project info
M, with a little ease
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Gjestal Garn Adore
7 yards in stash
7.5 skeins = 1312.3 yards (1200.0 meters), 375 grams
September 1, 2015

Best laid plans:
Gauge 10x10cm: 23x30
Aiming for a true M. Erik is too loose over the saddle for my taste, so I’ll improvise based on EZ’s calculations with half an eye on the measurements on Edward as that pattern has a comparable gauge.

Max girth (100%), 104cm: 240st
Girth at waist (80-85%), 86-91cm: 200st
Width neck (narrow due to V-neck) 16cm:
Depth neck 16cm incl trim
Girth upper sleeve (33%), 35,5cm: 82-88st
Girth lower sleeve (21%), 22,5cm: 53st (Final = 59st)
Depth sleeve, 20ish cm
Between sleeves aprox (33-35%), 37-40cm: 85-93st(?)
Neck to rib (60-65cm): try on and adjust
Sleeve at under arm (45-54cm): try on and adjust

Execution of the Plan:
Saddle, left side:
Provisional cast on 12 stitches.

Knit 5cm in st. (16rows. - aiming for about 17-18cm neck opening before adding the trim )
Increase at the beginning of each knit row, 5 times
(k1, m1L, knit, purl across)x5
There will now be 17 st on needle.

Add 15 st. in front of next knit row using backwards loop cast on. (Actually cast on 14, add the last loop on to the needle after knitting the 14 new stitches, before knitting the 17 old stitches.) Total: 32st.

Knit in st. until piece measures 15cm (22 rows)
Next row: Bind off first stitch, knit until 2 left and bind off last stitch as well. 30 live stitches left.
Put these on a stitch holder. Break the thread an turn the work.

Saddle, right side:
Put the 12 live stitches back onto the needels. Knit 5cm in st. (16 rows)
Increase at the end of each knit row, 5 times
(knit, m1R, k1, purl across)x5
There will now be 17 st on needle.
Knit next row and end with adding 15 more st by adding 14 st with backwards loop cast on, turn, purl 14, add loop for st. nr 15, purl that one, and the the rest of the row.
Knit in stitch (about 22 rows) until piece measures 30cm in total. Bind off 1 st. each side at last row.

Pick up:
Start on left collarbone, RS facing.
Pick up 24st on left front, place marker,
knit 30st (left shoulder/sleeve), place marker,
pick up 85st on back, place marker,
knit 30st (right shoulder/sleeve), place marker,
pick up 24st on right front

The 4 markers are placed at the points that would aprox. correspond to “increase points” in a raglan.

Turn and purl back, all stitches.

Top shoulder, body and V-neck increases:
I will now knit back and forth while increasing at both sides of each marker every knit row + increase one stitch from each end in order to start shaping the V-neck.

RowA) k1, m1L, (k to 1 st before marker, m1R, k1, sm, k1, m1L)x4, k to 1 st before end of row, m1R, k1.

RowB) purl across

Knit rowA+rowB total 4 times. (=8 rows knit.)
Somewhere between 1 and 4th row: Insert short rows across back saddle.
First WT 18st past center back stitch. Next WT 23st, then after st 28s, and st 33 from center back stitch.

I now have 32st, marker, 38st, marker, 93st, marker, 38st, marker 32st.

Sleeve and V-neck increases:
Stop the increases at the front/back, continue increasing between the sleeve markers and at the neck-side of the two front parts.

RowC) k1, m1L, (knit to marker, sm, k1, m1L, k to 1 st before marker, m1R, k1, sm)x2, k to 1 st before end of row, m1R, k1.

RowB) purl across

Knit rowC+rowB total 9 times. (=18 rows knit.)

I now have 41st, marker, 56st, marker, 93st, marker, 56st, marker 41st.

First sleeve, body and V-neck increases:

RowA) k1, m1L, (k to 1 st before marker, m1R, k1, sm, k1, m1L)x4, k to 1 st before end of row, m1R, k1.

RowB) purl across

I now have 43st, marker, 58st, marker, 95st, marker, 58st, marker 43st.

Joining round:
k1, m1L, (knit to marker, sm)x4, k to 1 st before end of row, m1R, k1. Add 3 st.using backwards loop cast on, place end-of-row marker and join in the round taking care not to twist the work.

I now have 44st, marker, 58st, marker, 95st, marker, 58st, marker 47st, end-of-round marker.

Sleeve and body increases:
RoundA) (k to 1 st before marker, m1R, k1, sm, k1, m1L)x4, k to end-of-round marker.

RoundB) knit from end-of-round marker to end-of-round marker slipping sleeve markers.
RoundC) knit from end-of-round marker to end-of-round marker slipping sleeve markers.

At round C start pattern after slipping last sleeve marker.

Knit round A to C twice, at the same time in pattern on front.

Body increases:

RoundD) (k to 1 st before marker, m1R, k1, sm, knit to next marker, sm, k1, m1L)x2, k to end-of-round marker.
RoundB) knit from end-of-round marker to end-of-round marker slipping sleeve markers.

Knit roundA+roundB a total of 3 times, 6 rounds, while also following pattern on front.

I now have 49st, marker, 62st, marker, 105st, marker, 62st, marker 52st, end-of-round marker.

Separate sleeves:

Knit in pattern to first sleeve marker (on the left front side).

Put the 62 sleeve stitches on waste yarn. Remove markers.
Add 9 st using backwards loop cast on. Place marker. Add 9 more st. (Actually cast on 8 this last time, add the last loop on to the needle next round when knitting the cast on stitches.)
Knit across back.
Put the 62 sleeve stitches on waste yarn. Remove markers.
Add 9 st using backwards loop cast on. Place marker. Add 9 more st. (Actually cast on 8 this last time, add the last loop on to the needle next round when knitting the cast on stitches.)
Knit across front. 9 of the (to be) 18 new st added at each side of the front should be knit in pattern after one round in knit stitch.


Since I have 4 more stitches on the back compared to the front, and since there’s that pattern on front I’ll do a couple of decreases on the back only.

Knit in pattern on front, plain on back until about 5cm/2”/10-15rounds below armhole.

Decrease round: Knit 30st after pattern, ssk, k 59st, tog, k30st, knit pattern.
Knit 13 rounds before next decrease.

Decrease round: Knit 29st after pattern, ssk, k 59st, tog, k29st, knit pattern. There are the same number of stitches on front an back. This is also the last round of the pattern.
Knit 13 rounds before next decrease, first round with a purl row on the front side.

The rest of the body will be in plain knit stitch.

Decrease round, on front and back:
(knit 29st, tog, knit 57st, ssk, knit 29st)x2
Knit 13 rounds before next decrease round, as above.

Keep on knitting this last 14 rounds until desired length.

Switch to 2.5 needles and knit 1x1 rib for 22 rounds.

Bind off (my favourite):
(Lori’s Twisty Bind Off - twist clockwise before knit stich, twist anticlockwise before purl stitch, otherwise just pass over as usual. It seems to create a nice and firm, but still springy bind off visually in pattern.)
Used the 4.5mm needle in right hand.


Round starts in the middle of the armpit.
Pick up 11 st. Knit until end, pick up 10. (83st)
Knit 10, tog, knit X, ssk, knit 9 (81st)

  • knit 11 rounds
  • knit 3, tog, knit until 4 left, ssk, knit 2
  • knit 10 rounds
  • knit 3, tog, knit until 4 left, ssk, knit 2

Repeat this 4 instructions until sleeves are long enough…
Which they where at 59 st+ 7 rounds.
Switched to 2.5mm needels and knit ribbing in the round while wondering why I made the sleeves odd-numbered. Solved that problem with tog last 2 stiches.

Knit ribbing for 22 rounds each sleeve.

Bound off with Lori’s Twisty using the 4.5mm needle in right hand.

V-neck finishing:

Picked up - from right shoulder, right side facing: 15, 9, 23, 9, 15, 30, 1, 30 stiches (total 132st).

Knit 10 rounds in 1x1 ribbing (purl, knit) making sure that the center stitch is a knit stitch and making a 3tog with the center stich on top at the bottom of the V-neck each round.

Bound off with Lori’s Twisty using the 4.5mm needle in right hand.


  • Forgot to make selvages along the saddle - which would have made picking up stitches easier and reduced curling.
  • I knit a thad looser in the round vs back and forth. Had to compensate a bit by holding the yarn tighter. Shold have switched to a smaller needle after joining in the round.
  • Had to do the binding off at body, sleeves and V-neck several times in order to get the tension right.


Happines with the outcome
Perfect fit. Just what I envisioned except for the tiny pull on the bottom of the V-neck. Which could have been remedied if I’d bound of just a tad more loosely toward the bottom of the V. But nobody else would have seen it unless I drew attention to it.

viewed 187 times | helped 4 people
November 22, 2015
December 31, 2015
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Gjestal Garn
60% Alpaca, 40% Acrylic
175 yards / 50 grams

339 projects

stashed 228 times

smgj's star rating
  • Project created: November 23, 2015
  • Finished: January 15, 2017
  • Updated: March 14, 2017
  • Progress updates: 10 updates