Houndstooth Hoody Vest
March 26, 2011
February 9, 2020

Houndstooth Hoody Vest

Project info
Tweed Checks by Kenny Chua
SomeBunny Special
41-1/2 (Small)
Needles & yarn
1,760 yards
Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted
1 skein = 220.0 yards (201.2 meters), 100 grams
Yarn Mountain
Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted
1 skein = 220.0 yards (201.2 meters), 100 grams
Yarn Mountain
Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted Tweed
6 skeins = 1320.0 yards (1207.0 meters), 600 grams

Going to attempt knitting this project seamless in one piece to save time. Racing against Christina at YarnMountain to see if we can finish it to wear at STITCHES South.

Wish us luck!!

March 26th:
Cast on during drive up to Maryland for the Homespun Yarn Party. Had maybe 2 inches done that whole weekend.

March 31st:
First heather grey skein finished. The result is 6-3/4 inches from cast on.

April 19th-May 27th:
Took a break to knit on Red Lightning shawl. But body was finished and am now waiting for the chance to work on the sleeves. :D

December 21st:
After a long hiatus and necessary steeking I decided to give my sister the decision on how she wanted her sweater at Christmas. Her request: a hooded vest!

February 1st:
Will be tackling this vest as one of my WIPs for this month towards my WIPs-to-FOs list in 2012.

February 9, 2020

We had a flooding issue in a bathroom, and this vest was unfortunately killed in the cleanup.

viewed 109 times
March 26, 2011
February 9, 2020
About this pattern
8 projects, in 3 queues
somebunnyslove's overall rating
somebunnyslove's clarity rating
somebunnyslove's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Universal Yarn
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

3877 projects

stashed 3495 times

somebunnyslove's star rating
About this yarn
by Universal Yarn
100% Wool
220 yards / 100 grams

254 projects

stashed 169 times

somebunnyslove's star rating
  • Project created: March 15, 2011
  • Updated: February 9, 2020
  • Progress updates: 3 updates