Bluernsey Triangle
April 2014
May 20, 2014

Bluernsey Triangle

Project info
Guernsey Triangle by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
860 yards
Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester 2/8
1 skein = 546.0 yards (499.3 meters), 125 grams
Geilsk Tynd Uld
1 skein = 314.0 yards (287.1 meters), 50 grams

April 27
Started this project as a pair of mittens, but the yarns weren’t contrasting with each other enough. Trying this shawl instead.

May 20
Just seaming together the cast on, weaving in some ends and blocking to go. I am thrilled with how this turned out, I think the colours go really well together and the variation in the fleece artist isn’t too much to detract form the pattern details.

Modifications (aside from colour changes):
- for the edging, after the end of chart C, knit one row (RS), knit one row (WS), purl one row (RS), purl one row (WS), purl one row (RS), knit one row (RS), knit one row with lighter colour (RS), bind off all stitches purl wise (WS).

June 13
Finished photos. It turns out I still have a ways to go to master kitchener stitch. I get the stitch I just haven’t mastered the tension - so I’m not overly happy with where I seamed it together. Oh well, it’s a small part and over all I love the way the colours contrast.

viewed 135 times | helped 2 people
April 2014
May 20, 2014
About this pattern
488 projects, in 1119 queues
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About this yarn
by Fleece Artist
Light Fingering
100% Bluefaced Leicester
546 yards / 125 grams

1536 projects

stashed 1641 times

somewickedgirl's star rating
About this yarn
by Geilsk
Light Fingering
100% Wool
314 yards / 50 grams

2914 projects

stashed 2129 times

somewickedgirl's star rating
  • Project created: April 13, 2014
  • Updated: June 13, 2014