Hedwig Stole
May 7, 2016
July 24, 2016

Hedwig Stole

Project info
Clapotis by Kate Gilbert
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Jubilee Yarn 100% Bamboo Laceweight
none left in stash
3.5 skeins = 1515.5 yards (1385.8 meters), 175 grams
The Yarn Garden in Whittier, California


This is the first shawl in a planned series of seven, which I want to make for the 2016-2017 season of the Pantages Theater in Hollywood. I have tickets for seven shows, and my goal is to make a shawl for each show.

The first show is Hedwig and the Angry Inch. For this show’s shawl, I chose to make this lacy stole out of a shimmery silver bamboo yarn because of the glitter in the original Broadway poster.

I cast this on today with bamboo needles but they are way too sticky for this yarn. So I am switching to stainless steel as soon as I get home. Too bad I don’t have them with me!


I got tired of the stitch markers so I started purling the stitch after each marker instead of knitting it. And the purled stitch serves as the marker. It’s much faster this way, especially for odd-numbered rows where it is straight purling across. I saw this tip on another project page, raptwithfiber’s nikaime http://www.ravelry.com/projects/raptwithfiber/clapotis-2


I’ve finished the increases. I knit until the right edge measured about 24 inches. I used 33 grams of yarn.


I joined the second skein of yarn today.


I’ve been working on this every moment I can. I measured the long side and it’s at about 41 inches, and I’m about halfway through my second ball of yarn. I’d like something about 80 inches in length, so I’m hoping I’m almost halfway there.


I joined the third ball of yarn today. I’m thinking I might do straight increases with this ball and then start decreasing with the fourth ball. Right now the shawl is about 51 inches long.


I thought about using a 1:3:1 ration for my yarn, for increase:straight:decrease sections of the shawl, which I saw on another project page, but I’ve decided I might as well use as much of the yarn as I can, since what am I going to do with less than 50 grams of yarn? If I do the 1:3:1 that would use 165 grams of yarn, leaving me with 35 grams left. But if I do closer to 1:4:1, that would use 198. I don’t know that I want to cut it so close, even though since it’s lace weight, 2 grams is quite a bit of yardage. But I will at least finish this ball of yarn on the straight section, maybe use about 10 grams more of the last ball and then start decreasing.


Finished knitting! It feels like such an accomplishment. I started decreasing on the third ball. I loved knitting this pattern and wanted to keep going, but it was getting pretty long and I didn’t want the shawl to be difficult to wear. So I started decreasing with about 7 or 8 grams left on the third ball and finished the shawl with half of the fourth ball.

The last ball I joined with a magic knot, while the first two I added the regular way. So I have some ends to weave in, then it’s soaking and blocking! Hopefully I can do it tomorrow.


Finally finished weaving in the ends. Hoping to block tomorrow or the day after.


This came out looooong! I’m glad I stopped when I did. If I just drape it over my shoulders, the ends come down to about my ankles. So it will be great for wrapping and have a little dramatic flair. I’m very happy with it!

viewed 281 times | helped 8 people
May 7, 2016
July 24, 2016
About this pattern
23810 projects, in 8004 queues
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About this yarn
by Jubilee Yarn
100% Rayon from Bamboo
433 yards / 50 grams

54 projects

stashed 105 times

sonialena's star rating
  • Originally queued: April 15, 2016
  • Project created: May 7, 2016
  • Finished: July 24, 2016
  • Updated: November 26, 2016